My biggest fish ever! And another first...

Beautiful fish. Cool spots too. One of the tournaments down our way gives a prize for the most spots; that one might have been in the running.

Nice Red Drum Dani Beth. I have caught very few reds. We catch a lot of Black Drum where we fish and Becky caught a sixty eight pounder last year. The Black Drum is nowhere near as pretty as the Red and some folks like to eat Reds. Some people say that they are wormy, but my bud who eats them says it isn't so.

Sorry the "bigun" got away. but you can't complain about your catch.
Tight lines,

Thanks...I thought that fish was gorgeous myself. Of course, I'm a bit biased...bwahahahah but I loved the donut hole spots for sure....

68 lb Black Drum?!/!?!? HOLY COW that's a HUGEMONGOUS fish! Congrats to Becky. Not so far from where I was fishing, I am told that there is a deep hole where the big black drum love to hang out. One of these days I'll get out there to give it a try...

I like of the best eating fishes I've ever had. I've never seen one that is wormy. Not to say they aren't, but no one I've ever run across, even folk who have baught and eaten BIG ONES like that before the days of a slot limit, they've never encountered one that is wormy....Delicious though....

And for sure I'm not complainin....oh no! I'll catch that bad boy again and next time I'll get him in the boat...bwahahahah
