My new black "Pearl"

Troy Fields

Well-known member
Drove to No. Carolina last weekend to pick up my new pup, Pearl. Looking forward to a busy and exciting summer and years to come.







Man I love dogs. What a beautiful looking pup.

I have begun the process to find the next pup. Planning for sometime next spring. Pics like this make it harder to wait.
what a black beauty,needs a skull and cross bones hankerchief...good luck and love em well...
she's a beauty. any issues on the long ride home? i'm going to pick up my new pup out in kentucky in early june and was wondering what to expect on the ride home ? thanks
Actually no issues at all. Stopped every three to four hours to stretch and stuff. There was another guy who made the trip with me and he also picked up a pup so we put them both in the same kennel, which rode in the back of my truck. I'm sure that eliminated a lot of the whining and anxiety. They both traveled very well.
2 things I aways did when I sent pups out....1. Have the new owner bring along a towel. I would take the towel and rub down the Dam and the pups with it, that gets put in the crate. 2. I would give the new owner a bag of wood chips from the elimination side of the whelping box. Once the pups start on food, and they are mobile I used white towels on one side of the whelping box for sleeping and eating, and wood shavings on the other side for eliminating. Take the chips and spread them where you plan to teach the pup to eliminate in the yard/woods, etc. I used a portable exersize pen, just 4 to 6 ft in diameter. That way I could carry the pup to the area, and set them down, and they could not leave it. Once they are older and can make the distance on lead, I did not carry them, but did hustle out there....

Anyway, the scented towel worked well. I had pups fly with no issues.
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she's a beauty. any issues on the long ride home? i'm going to pick up my new pup out in kentucky in early june and was wondering what to expect on the ride home ? thanks

No worries.Put the pup in a wire cage on top of the truck.Tie it down good,and put a windshield,in front,with a sign on the side saying,"I'M VOTING FOR MITT" LOL