NDR Air Purifier

Tom Wall

Well-known member
I found out this afternoon that I'm in the market for an air purifier. I need something that will remove pet/cat hair from the air. Removal of the cat is not an option!

Here is the whole story. I work several 12 hour shifts a week. Wife wants a companion, not a dog. We find the perfect cat. A Manx/Cymric. Wife now loves the cat. Cat loves wife. Wife is allergic to cat. Wife can tolerate cat allergy except when she gets cat hair in her eye. Cat is limited to three rooms in house. Cat spends 80% of time in one room.

I'm looking for something that will do one or two rooms. I'm cheap but, I want something that will do the job and will last longer than one month.

Getting rid of wife is not an option either.

The cat is actually pretty cool. It retrieves and wants to be with us.

All info, good, bad and ugly appreciated,

You might look into the " Ionic Pro Turbo" I would post a link but I always screw up doing that. Google it. That might do the trick. Since you discounted all the other options, like cat wife. It will take care of one room.
Get the best vacuum you can find...some remove pet hair and dander better then others...no recommendation as to brand..just another way to reduce exposure...
I run an air purification business. Do a search on the "clean station" and find a local dealer. http://www.gtex.ca/cleanstation.htm I sell about 3-4 a week. I've got two in my house and swear by them. It's a medical grade air purifier. Stay away from anything with the word ionic or ozone used in it. Your other option is using your house HVAC. I highly recommend a whole house HEPA air cleaner. April Aire makes some great products.

Matt Smith
I think the shedding on that cat would be worse than the one I have now! The litter box might not stink. But, there would soon be a smell that would make me pine for a stinking litter box!

Thanks for the comments so far. I think I'll be a little selective in the ones I share with my wife!


PS A full body mount of course!

Thanks for the input. We already learned to stay away from the ionic "cleaners" and are looking for HEPA filters. The whole house would be the way to go. But, we may just start with a room filter.



I will for the most part stay out of this one but I will just say that the literature out there does not support having a cat in the house of a person who is allergic. Period.

No filter
No this or that

None of the products that are on the market will help the person long term that has the allergies.

Antihistamines and other allergy meds (shot's included) will possibly help to a small degree, but it will not be enough in the majority of the cases.

Guys can flame on this one all they want, but there is a mountain of science showing that at best you can reduce the load of antigen in the air that they are exposed to, but not eliminate it, thereby exposing you to risk.

Good luck, cats are the hardest pet to deal with since people bond so deeply with them and are so unwilling to change.

Thankfully it was not an African Grey Parrot or an iguana, those are worse then cats for allergic reactions.
Remember the boy in a bubble? a strictly controlled environment? maybe wife in bubble? cat in bubble?? Tom in bubble? such a range of possibilities..
