NDR ant problem


Well-known member
We have ants overtaking our kitchen. They seem to favor the area around the sink, and the nitch above it. I cannot tell where they are coming from. Michele has covere the counter with borax and it doesn't seem to be working. I really don't want to put poison in the kitchen. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance (especially from Michele!)
I would say that the only reason they are there is that there is a food source close that they can easily access. Find that source and remove it from the ants access. Also find where they are coming into the house unless they are living INSIDE the walls.
Sprinkle diatomaceous earth around the edges. It is non-toxic and you can get it at pool supply stores. I don't know what it does, but it keeps 'em out!
Sprinkle diatomaceous earth around the edges. It is non-toxic and you can get it at pool supply stores. I don't know what it does, but it keeps 'em out!

That's a great way to do it. When we were "lower income housing technicians", we used that often for roaches. We'd set out a cookie pan, put sugar and diatomaceous earth (filter media) and cover the pan. The sugar directs them to the pan and the diatoms. are drawn to them statically and the diatoms. (which are sharp at that level) pierces their body and is drawn to their joints where motion drives them deeper into them. It kills them.

Best thing though is to remove the thing that is drawing them. Something around the sink "looks good to them". Hm, how's Michele's cooking?
poison the entire World cause you have a problem with a few ants, either because you have food out or you won't take the time to stop em at the source......

Good choice......

If they are the really tiny ants, then they may be just after moisture. We have them in our house and they mostly show up around the sink in the kitchen and bathroom sinks & shower. I have never found them in the food.

I am not a fan of broadcast pesticides either, kills to many good bugs too. The diatomecious earth stuff sounds good. Ant traps and boric acid powder works well too. If you do treat outside, just treat the perimeter of the foundation.
thats what my Grandmother called em....PISS ANTs....

More fluahable facts from the Tree Hugger....now get after that "kill everything that crawls" insect control.....

If they are traveling the same route, Home Depot or Lowes sell a gel that they eat and take back to where there are and it kills them all. It comes in a syringe. I have used it both inside and outside and it does the trick. The object is to put it in their path so they eat it.

Good Luck
Bounce repels (not kills) them sometimes. Becky gets the little bait stations that seem to work fairly well. We have had more than ever this year I'm starting to think they are after moisture as we have had some in the shower stalls too. Up until recently the humidity has been extremely low.

Bounce also repels bees. Tie a piece of it to your belt loop next time you are going to be outside in an area where you know there are bees. I know it sounds crazy but so does using Avon's Skin so Soft as a Noseeum repellant. Also put a piece of bounce in the feet of your waders at the end of the season and you will not have that musty smell the next time you put them on. Another good trick is to wipe your computer screen or TV screen with a sheet of bounce as it's anti static properties really help getting and keeping dust off the screens Also you can use it as a fabric softener.

I've even wondered if anyone raises miniature Aardvarks during the worst of the ant season.

Good luck getting rid of those varmints,
We tried the gell this year and it is working better than the ant baits I used last year.

Find where the ants are entering your house...probably where the foundation meets the sill plate of your wall system. Ants leave a scent trail for their brothers to follow once they find a viable food/water source. They will use that trail until it no longer produces what the colony needs.

Find the trail and then wash the area with a mild soap and water solution. The ants on the outside of the house will no longer have a marked trail to follow into your house. Vacuum up the ones inside and then change vacuum bags. Ants will be gone...at least for awhile.

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Paul, we had that problem and could not seem to get rid of the little buggers. Found the gel mentioned above. Comes with little pieces of cardboard for the bait. You have to put it out for up to two weeks but they take it to the colony and it kills the queen and thus the entire colony. YOu quit when they stop eating it. Kids used to laugh at me when I said I had to "feed" my ants but it worked when nothing else did.
One should just learn to peacefully co'exist with ants. The problem is convining your wife ( : 0 )

Just had a new roof put on the house. The little sticky strips they tear off the shingles catch ants, save them. You all probably need a new roof any way.......a two fer.

The local hardware store has something like Ortho Home Defense. Read the label to make sure it is the right stuff. There is a cheaper knock off that doesn't work as well. Basically you spray it around the perimiter of your foundation to keep ants out. It works.
i take a cup of borax and mix it with some sugar and seven up pop pour into trays or plates or on the ground,for my problem
i just squirted in the holes in a week there gone

good luck

there just battles,
some we win ,some we lose;
for the war on the ant is long
who knows who will win...
Hey I know where you could get a great deal on those shingles... and the ant bait that comes with them!

Paul, Ive had problems with the ants coming in and around my sink. I tried a small cup of white vinegar under the sink (where mine seemed to want to be) kept them out... so I just keep one there that I change out every so often....
Those little *#@!* things like to follow their own scent trials. Keep some 1% chlorine solution on hand to clean areas where ants like to travel. 1 quart of 1% solution, 6 oz of 5.25% or 5 oz of 6% chlorine bleach.

I find their "trail" then spray them with Deep Woods OFF! as they walk by.

It doesn't kill them but they just can't live with themselves anymore...they get moody and sarcastic. It screws up the whole colony dynamic and none of them want to go out together anymore. They can't get along and cooperate, so they leave to find "nicer" ants. After a while all thats left is the queen, wondering where everybody went. Then a little later even she gets up and leaves too, probably losing her job in the process and becoming just another trailwalker IMHO.

Just my .02
Thanks for all the replies! Michele went heavy duty on them with the Borax solution, and it seems to have taken care of them.