NDR, Blue heron pics

A couple of heron pics, and I figure Al will get a kick out of the lush green background...




Well, Don, you are exactly correct. By the way, what does "lush green" mean? Did I tell you that I am red/green/brown color blind? Beautiful shots. It sure looks like you had fun.
That's funny Al, for all the great pics you take your color blindness must not hurt you too bad. I do think you mentioned it before. It was fun fishing with the kid and we got to watch the heron fish as well.

I know these aren't green but could they be called "luscious"? I just picked them 10 minutes ago. When Bev comes home from Green Bay, we'll have to get some vanilla ice cream and make a feast out of it.



Al, can you say cobbler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are just about ripe here. Can't wait, my wife makes great blackberry cobbler to go with my homemade ice cream.
Boy, does that sound great. Blackberry cobbler with homemade ice cream. I'll be thinking about that next year in the duck blind, I'll bet.
Don, how did we get from Great Blue Herons to blackberry cobbler? Sorry about that. But that word luscious stuck in my mind.
That's OK Al, it's strawberry season now around here and blackberries will be ready before you know it. Maybe this will remind me not to miss out!