NDR Kennel floors...

Brad Taylor

Active member
We just built a new dog run and I was wondering what people like for flooring?? Gravel, grass, brick, pavers, cement??? I am looking for something that will keep the dog someone clean. Anybody use wood chip/mulch? What about keeping the smell down? I have used a spray on neutralizer in the past.

I am interested in what you do.

With one dog it was manageable, with two dogs and new wife that likes to garden, it has to change. ;-)
cement, with a slope to faciltate drainage... and a pipe to carry the water off, otherwise you end with a muddy spot next to your kennel 9 months out of the year. you can sprinkle lye powder on outside to keep smell down. a homemade septic system isnt a lot of work, and it sure beats toting poop off. a little effort, and kennels dont have to overpower your yard. travis
I will add that building a raised kennel floor from lumber isn't a bad idea either, that's what myself and my stepdad use. I've stayed away from concrete ever since an episode at a friend of the family's house back when I was in high school. He had beagles on concrete runs, very nice house with immaculate yard and barn. Also had a really bad rat infestation once we got to looking. They had burrowed under the concrete and using dog food as a food source. We killed over 200 one saturday.

Concrete pad sloped to the back with a trough that goes to a sepetic tank. I have had dogs sensitive to concrete in those few cases I have put a rubber mat for a horse trailer down.

Have you ever asked the question, knowing the answer, but hoping you can get away with something different??

Ya, that's how I felt reading the answers in this thread...

concrete it is with a nice slope. Unfortunately due to location a septic tank is out but I will try and incorporate that in my next kennels.

Thanks for all the responses.
I will go along with others on a concrete floor on a slope with a gutter. The gutter emptied into a garbage pail with out a bottom. The garbage pail never filled up. If it gets a little high just add lime. Between cleaning put the cover on the pail. For flies all it takes is a small cap of bleach around the kennel. Instantly their gone. I also put a little platform about 6" high in the kennel . The platform was slightly rounded so water would run off and covered with indoor, out door carpet. The dog spent 90 percent on that platform. You can make so nice the dog will never want to leave home. hee hee
Another plus for cement floors is the dogs nails never seem to need clipped..big plus in my book since I always manage to hit the quick in at least one of Colbys toenails.
Make sure if you use concrete to let it cure for a few weeks before putting your dogs on it and rinse it with a hose alot to wash the acids off so it wont burn there pads .
Ok, the concrete guys (the trucks) are out 8-10 weeks on delivery. I phoned them all. YIKES. Crazy building boom around here. Soooo

What do you think of rubber mat for the interm? I have the base done and I found 17'x7.5' rubber mat at costco? My only concern is maybe the heat generated from a black rubber mat??

I could always build a couple platforms off the floor?

8 to 10 weeks for a couple yards of concrete??? Holy mackeral! Wish I had that problem around here. That rubber mat is probably kind of pricey isn't it? How about an inch or two of crushed rock and then pic the turds out each day till the cement shows....take a bit less then too.