NDR - missles and stuff for Eric


Well-known member

Local weekly rag ran this piece last week. I remember two or three years ago Eric threatened to come up here for TDY, but then nobody heard from him. Maybe he telecomuted or that was another job change. DoD contractors never have it easy.

Hopefully these system operators shoot better than I do.

That's the exact program I'm working. In fat the pics show the same displays we use every day in our lab testing. It's not looking like I'm going to visit Greeley anytime soon but if I do I'll let you know.

So telecomuting it is. I had figured you were still dealing with this stuff. It will be never ending as data is collected to validate the system. It is cool that they found a way to keep Delta and the Fort going other than a prison, which almost happened.

Thankfully you dont' have to go to Shemya, but maybe a trip to Adak for the new floating radar? If you can work that, I recommend it. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity these days.
Doya suppose it was Eric's idea to station guys at Ft Greely and have them fire missiles from Vandenburg? I can hear it now......"Actually live in California to shoot missiles from California? Noooo! I've got a much neater idea!". Way to make friends, there, Eric!
Gimme a call out here some time, Eric. I'm back out here at the facility on Redstone Rd.