NDR.. What to do in if your suffering from a heart attack and your alone


Try it again. I just updated the link and it seems to work for me. Let me know if it still does not work for you.
Nope, still doesn't work for me either. Sure hope I don't have a heart attack before the link works. ;)
Hopes no good , pray mate.
Take care and God Bless
Eddie and Amber
Its all about Building that Bond.
Nope, still doesn't work. I was able to get to Marine Max by taking off the "INFO." from the front end of the url but don't know where on the site to go for the presentation you indicated.
I tried it from my home computer and the link did not work for me either.
Bacically, they suggest that you take a very deep breath, cough very hard, do this repeatedly which will get oxygen to your blood and the process of coughing hard will actually help to squeese your heart and pump blood and may just help to get the heart rhythm restored.
In the mean time, I'll have to get with our IT person and see what the problem is with the link.
Probably the best and only thing to do for the average guy who may be at risk for a heart attack is to take an extra strenght asparin with you where ever you go. I would say no to the coughing business as that can actually slow your heart down and with some rythm changes may cause more issues. Take that asparin as soon as you feel anything that may be related to a heart issue.
Worrying about the coughing and if it is helping you may lead to more worrying and stress, as if chest pain isn't already stressful enough.
Sit down, relax, slow deep breaths, asparin and if you can, then try calling for help or slowly walking to your vehicle or help.
Just my 2 cents worth.
How about a yearly strees test. How many of you guys in your 40's have had one? I had one done a month ago just because my father 73 yrs.old has four stents and my brohter 47yrs old has 2 stents in his heart. My father was a field land surveyor all his life ,walked several miles a day at work, not over weight, doesn't eat red meat, red a wine drinker and still had heart trouble. My families cardiologist is like god to me. He save my brother and father. Go run on that tread mill and get your ticker checked. Get it done each year. My brothers arteries were clogged within 11 months between visits enough to show a blockagee in the ultrasound. He's now goes six month between visits. Get it done now! Introduce your hearts currrent condition to your doctor. Just my two cents. Aspirin is also a life saver.
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I think the idea of coughing has to do with arrythmias or if your pulse is extremely fast and you are feeling dizzy or like you are going to pass out. The coughing could help squeeze the heart enough to keep blood pumping to your brain utility you can get some help.

If you have chest pain, CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY. Take an aspirin if available. Take nice, slow, deap breaths to keep your heart oxygenated and await EMS. The paramedics will give you O2 and nitroglycerin which will relax the coronary arteries and hopefully keep waell oxygenated blood flowing to the heart muscle itself.

Ladies, you may have different symptoms than men. Some women have back or shoulder pain or just complain of "not feeling right".

Remember, TIME IS MUSCLE. In other words, the longer you wait to seek emergency services, the higher the chances are that you will suffer irreversable damage to the cardiac muscle.

Good luck!