NE zone duck seasons 5 year model

Kevin B

Well-known member
The Matrix has spoken here is the frame work for the next 5 duck seasons starting this year 2019-2020. NE zone. Each zone ; Ne ,SE,Western, LI will have a 5 year matrix. Lake Champlain is set by VT. This is the way it will be barring reduction in the 60 day season to 45 or 30

The first Saturday in October to run 23 days close on Sunday

2nd split starts the first Saturday following the close of the first split to run 37 days.

2019-2020 ; 10/05-10/27 split 11/03-12/08 close

2020-2021 ; 10/03-10/25 split 10/31-12/06

2021-2022 ;10/02-1024 split 10/30-12/05

2022-2023; 10/01-10/23 split 10/29-12/04

2023-2024; 10/07-10/29 split 11/04-12/10.

I was reading that this morning for the southeastern zone. Really don't know what to think about it. But just like all the other things we had to deal with over the years. We will deal with it. Hopefully they know what they are talking about. What do you think?
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Thanks, Kevin. Is this information for each zone published (or to be published) somewhere?

Personally I'd much prefer to sacrifice days in middle to late October and pick some up going later into December, but I must be in the minority.

after the experience of the mid Nov freeze out this year - the next several years risk being a short season in NY's western zone

for 2019 - the duck season


starts Oct 19 to Nov 10

reopens on the 30th of Nov -runs through the 5th of January
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Michael B said:
Thanks, Kevin. Is this information for each zone published (or to be published) somewhere?

Personally I'd much prefer to sacrifice days in middle to late October and pick some up going later into December, but I must be in the minority.


I would think so Mike ,I'm sure it will be available or already is.

Kevin et al~

Josh Stiller at DEC told me earlier today that the info for each zone should be up on the DEC website sometime next week.

Personally, I am very happy that the SE will be starting (I actually have not yet seen the SE proposal) mid-October - and not early October as it has in the past 2 or 3 seasons. I want to hunt in the peak of Fall colors and with an Autumnal chill in the air - and not re-enact the Bataan Death March each year.....

And, no surprise that the SE Zone will once again begin AFTER the NE Zone.

From what I have seen thus far, DEC has done a good job of basing season date decisions on available field data and from last year's extensive hunter survey.

Stay tuned!


You should state that you are talking about NEW YORK (NE) one could think your talking about New England

Kevin B said:
The Matrix has spoken here is the frame work for the next 5 duck seasons starting this year 2019-2020. NE zone. Each zone ; Ne ,SE,Western, LI will have a 5 year matrix. Lake Champlain is set by VT. This is the way it will be barring reduction in the 60 day season to 45 or 30

The first Saturday in October to run 23 days close on Sunday

2nd split starts the first Saturday following the close of the first split to run 37 days.

2019-2020 ; 10/05-10/27 split 11/03-12/08 close

2020-2021 ; 10/03-10/25 split 10/31-12/06

2021-2022 ;10/02-1024 split 10/30-12/05

2022-2023; 10/01-10/23 split 10/29-12/04

2023-2024; 10/07-10/29 split 11/04-12/10.
Rick -

Thanks for the western NY zone info.

I like it, especially the first split.

After missing this season. I very much look forward to Oct.19th, and will put in as many days as possible.

Wood Ducks (my favorite mid size puddler),Teal, and whatever else shows up. Usually Wigeon and Pintails.

Around about the first day of deer gun season. The poop can hit the propellers regarding cold, snow and ice here. Every year a crap shoot.

Still hoping for a Dove season, as it is proposed again, but that may be to much to ask.

If so, the shotguns and dove rig will get the work that they deserve. I've been waitin'...

Best regards

The dates I think are Oct 19 to run 44 days and close. Then the second split will be the first Sunday after which will run for 16 days. Which I think is around the 22 of December. I have the paperwork but it will not let me send it. If you need anything before it on the website let me know.
Thanks, Anthony~

Those are the same dates I have heard. I just wish the second "half" would go a day or so after Christmas - so any younger hunters with whom Santa left a new shotgun could put it to its highest and best use.

All the best,


Wow. Those dates are horrible. Who comes up with this stuff? Most of the time we don't even see good numbers of birds until the second and third weeks of December. Very disappointing.
zane Every said:
Who comes up with this stuff?

starting this season - a computer modeling/survey process

the time honored season setting Task Force is no more

I agree , I remember when my dad got me my first single shot for Christmas. I was out the next day shooting it with him and my brother. Couldn't wait to go hunting. Those were the days my friend.

I agree with you , More days in Late December would be best for us that hunt the Hudson River . The task force doesn't have the input that it once did. I really like to know where they get all their info from. I know its not from what I send them.
Rick L said:
zane Every said:
Who comes up with this stuff?

starting this season - a computer modeling/survey process

the time honored season setting Task Force is no more

You are correct Rick, the task force helped with the matrix but does not submit yearly dates . The model based on "structured decision making" was developed from the hunters survey and the 10 year E-bird data.

I like that Zones won't open on the same dates, and that the state optimized weekend hunting days. The hunters I represent from the Central Adirondack (my area) of the NE zone favor more October days due to the chance of early freeze out. I may prefer hunting later dates but my personal choices shouldn't influence the dates I submit. The new model is very transparent ,based on the over 40 percent survey responds .
Steve Sanford said:
Thanks, Anthony~

Those are the same dates I have heard. I just wish the second "half" would go a day or so after Christmas - so any younger hunters with whom Santa left a new shotgun could put it to its highest and best use.

All the best,


Steve, I'm suring the wording read the 3rd Saturday in October to run for 44 days. This will set the seasons to always open / close , Saturday/Sunday

re Southeastern Zone dates

Understood about the Saturday to Sunday principle - to maximize opportunity for most gunners. My point, though, was about ending the second half later. The Option 8 (Option 9 was selected) would run through December 29 in 2019. (Option 8 dates are 10/19 through 11/10 and 11/23 through 12/29.)

To satisfy my concern for students, one could - for example - construct a formula that always ended the second half on the first Sunday AFTER Christmas.

None of this is easy - and the weather can always foul Man's best laid plans.

All the best,


Kevin B said:
Rick L said:
zane Every said:
Who comes up with this stuff?

starting this season - a computer modeling/survey process

the time honored season setting Task Force is no more

You are correct Rick, the task force helped with the matrix but does not submit yearly dates . The model based on "structured decision making" was developed from the hunters survey and the 10 year E-bird data.

I like that Zones won't open on the same dates, and that the state optimized weekend hunting days. The hunters I represent from the Central Adirondack (my area) of the NE zone favor more October days due to the chance of early freeze out. I may prefer hunting later dates but my personal choices shouldn't influence the dates I submit. The new model is very transparent ,based on the over 40 percent survey responds .

I think the new method is much better, and represents what many hunters prefer. A few folks choosing for many never works. We fought that battle in PA for many years.

With diminishing numbers of waterfowlers, especially in NY, the new system is worth a try and needs support, not grumbling. We have enough folks here trying to take our lifestyle away from us. Fighting among ourselves plays into their hands.

Kevin I admire your courage to put waterfowling as a whole, over personal preference. I tip my hat to you.

Best regards