need help from bird enthusiasts (no Picture)

Greg Richard

New member
I saw a bird yesterday (North Alabama) that I have never seen before. The real distinguishing feature was the red breast like that of a robin. The back and wings seemed to be a mottled brown or brown with white. The bird was the size of a pigeon but almost looked like a raptor. I startled the bird along the banks of a remote creek bottom and it flew only 50 yards before it settled back down. Does anyone know what it could have been? Or can anyone point me to a good web page showing birds? I have spun my wheels for about an hour on this and would appreciate help. Thanks in advance. has some good pictures of raptors and other birds. You may find it there. Other than that, Sibley's is a good source and one of the best bird books out there. Sounds like it was a small hawk of some sort. Was it on the ground when you saw it?

Here is a good site for identifying birds. Click Here

Tough to ID birds like this. I think Chris gave you a good possibility, also look at the Sharp Shinned and Cooper's Hawks. I've seen them land pretty low in brush but not usually on the ground unless it had caught some little critter.

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Thanks for the web sites. I still haven't found it and it doesn't quite look like what any of y'all have suggested. I appreciate all of your time.