Need idea about winch vs boat


Active member
My father have a boat house , and for pull up the boat outside the water , he have a manuel winch since i yough, so you buy a electric winch in special yesterday 110$ 2000pouds

Like the winch you put on 4wheeldrive , For sure i can adapt that to 110Volts , but i need a super transfo with arround 14volt/80 amp output and put diodes ... for i can have the good 12v/80a output ...

I find on the net a winch 110V but the price is very over that , or i put a hoist with pulley for transfer the vertical mouvement to horizontal mouvement fro about the same price , but only 440 to 880 ponds

If any one have a idea please let me know before i start the project



it come on a trailer ... with rolls under the boat, i dont know the weight i need to pull but in summer i can marke 1/2 of the distance alone without the manuel winch. But in autunm time with all the stock, weight, ducks , guns ... it really more weight ...

the mouvement of the boat is 20feet horizontal and arround 5 vertical ...

This is a 12 volt winch? How long does it take to winch up the boat? There are fairly inexpensive battery chargers that have a 100 amp cold start option. My guess is that they won't hold up for long at 100amps. A/C to D/C transformers at 80 amps that are good quality are also pricey. I'm thinking what you need is one or car batteries, and then an inexpensive 2 amp trickle charger to charge the batteries. I'm guessing you only need the 80 amps for a short while. If it's a minute, then we're talking less than 2 amp hours. Probably two car batteries would do the job.

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Stef, I agree with Ed. A deep cell 12 volt battery and a trickle charger. Cheapest way to go. If you were to put the boat in 5 or 6 times a day then 110 would make sense,
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Thanks for the tip, i never think to use a battery .. i tell it to my father if never he have one ..

if not i will wait for find a 110v motor ...


Stef, I just saw a winch by Master Lock that runs about 55.00 and has a 2000lb capacity. You might try googling it up.
Lee I have some experience with that very winch. Admittedly I abused it, using it to yank up a bunch of stumps post Katrina, but that sucker just disintigrated. Torn a bunch of teeth off one of the gears, and broke another gear. It's a pretty cheap wench, might be o.k. as long as you don't use it to yank stumps. Also, I don't think that winch ran in reverse. You just undid the clutch and stepped back.


Oh, check this out at Northern Tool. I'm looking for another winch myself. (You know they have a Spanish website, but not French. Quebecois don't buy tools?)
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It might, depending on how the boat is lowered into the water. The winch doesn't work in reverse from what I remember. What you do is undo the tension on the clutch, and stand back as the wire jerks violently and unpredictably out of the spool! (That is, if there's a load on the winch, like a big log or something you're trying to drag uphill.) I need another 12 volt winch to accomplish some of the tasks I bought that one for, and I'm going for one of the more expensive ones from Northern Tool. (They sell that Master Lock winch as well. It's far less expensive than their other winches.) I can tell you from my dissection of the thing, it's not a very well made winch.

Thanks all for all the response, i will put a winch on 110v by a transfo, a person here used it for pull a boat and it work very good ..

Chuck ,

I am glad to hear you are doing better , I noticed the boat in your avatar , That is the type of boat i have been looking for . Do you know who made that type of boat or at least the name of the design ? I love the style of the boat and it is seaworthy as all hell . I saw one on Maine a long time ago but i forgot the builders name and i have not been able to find one until seeing your post . Thanks for any help

Dave M