Nested skiffs

Alan Beal

New member
Does anyone having any plans for making skiff shells that can be nested, my thoughts are reducing dimensions by 2 to 3 inches such that the shells could be fit inside one another was hoping to have three hulls. Presently I have an 8 mile boat ride, then dikes to cross and several dikes which are not wadable. My John boat has the capability to carry 3 hunter with equipment + 1 dog and these three skiffs. The area closely resembles cranberry bogs but not the cold just snakes & gators. I've carried a layout boat and towed another but it's quite dicey. Appreciate anyones input.
The nesting skiffs that I have seen pictures of were on the decks of whaling boats or Grand Banks cod schooners. They all appear to be identical. They can fit into each other in any order because of the flared sides that make the inside dimension a bit larger than the outside dimension. (The flared sides make this possible.) They had easily removable bench seats so the outside bottom of the upper boat rests on the framing of the lower one.

I suppose you could make more straight sided skiffs by making each one smaller as you suggested.

We've successfully towed multiple Kara/Fatboy type boats on many hunts. These were roped together one behind the other, not nested together. This is usually at moderate power in a fairly narrow channel, not flat out plane and no major waves to deal with.. Just make sure you get the weight towards the back of the towed boat and that the rope connects on the underside of the bow to get it up out of the water.
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I'd look at a small dory. Like a glouchester gull. Dinamite Payson has a small book on building these. I'll get around to building one someday soon. 12' long, a little high for a duck boat, but would keep you alive if the water turns rough. It's an open boat, they should stack. I want one for after work hunting, or launching off the beach on the Columbia River to throw some crab pots out at tresle bay.

The above responses are spot on. Boats like the Grand Banks Dory can be nested.

For duck hunting, I believe pirogues can be nested. You won't be able to put coaming or decks on them and you'll have to keep internal framing to a minimum with no cross-braces. There are a few plans available on-line.
we run the ms river and hunt in the delta. I thought I had picks of 6 pirgoues nested in a jon but can't seem to find them. have hundreds of dead bird photos but pitifully few photos showing actual neat stuff. Anyway, you can make a pirogue holder that fits into your gunnels and then stack the boats one on top of another as high as you feel comfortable. I have seen up to 10 in one large john.

hope this helps
Thank you all for your suggestions, after researching I am going ahead with a open pirogue design found several design/plans on line actually started last night with modeling a classic and a squared off version, yes I will post pictures of the progress.
You promised pictures an I'm going to hold you to that. Maybe a picture or two of your recent trips out to the walk-in area just for fun....
