New Decoys from a lurker

Zach Houvener

Active member
Is it just me, or is it seeming like forever to get to duck season...
This last couple days, I have had that bug...that drives me 24/7 to just be around ducks,decoys,books,anything that has something related to the obsession I call a hobby. One thing I've really had the itch to do is try taxidermy and mounting my own birds that I know some members do, I've looked into building a boat, but after limited funds and trying to graduate high school...the one thing that I know I can do right now is carve decoys...
Im a very goal oriented person, and setting goals for myself is what I like to do, whether athletically, school wise, or duck wise(sp?) Im into the rich hunting tradition and the things that go along with that, one of those things is having a rig of handcarved cork or wooden decoys.
One of my lifelong goals I've decided for myself is to carve a rig of every N.A. species, and to harvest a speciman with that certain species of decoy deployed. I know theres some debates about which species are huntable and what not, but for my sake, I will limit it to 30. Wood duck, Green-Wing Teal, Blue Wing Teal, Cinnamon Teal, Northern Pintail, Black Duck, Mallard, Northern Shoveler, Gadwall, American Wigeon, Eurasian Wigeon, Canvasback, Redhead, Ringneck, Greater Scaup, Lesser Scaup, Common Goldeneye, Barrows Goldeneye, Bufflehead, Ruddy, Common Eider, King Eider(I can always dream right ) Harlequin, Oldsquaw, Surf, White-Wing, and Black Scoter, Hooded, Redbreasted, and Common Merganser.
So off I went into "the shop" and since have been working on my rig. Recently have finished a rig of three G-W Teal, which is my favorite puddler...

and working on a Woody...

Both are Cork, with Pine inserts and painted in oils...I only make gunners as every bird I make I WILL hunt with. I have been accepted and am going to Western Washington University, and am excitied for the duck hunting oppurtunities I will have there. Anyone who carves up in the B-Ham area I would love to get together and carve on a couple weekends if your up for it! Thanks for letting me vent, as I am stoked for the upcoming season!
Hi Zach

Nice lookin decooys, how many have you carved?Well it sounds like you've got some carving and huntin to do in order to attain your goal. Nice idea though. I always appreciated fish more that I caught on my hand tied flies. We have good numbers of Greenies here in NB and they are cool little ducks, hard to hit but they come flying in at the decoys so fast, waking me up from my slumber.

Bill Gass
NB, Can

PS - you should fill out your name(or something close to it) and location as that is the mutual agreement on this site.
lookin good me son right fine coys you got there ill give it a try some day......
hey Bill how is the fishin updat way?the boys have been feedin da flies here in Nova Scotia ,one fella said there sumthin fierce down east lol he said they were so bad the dawg stayed in the water or else them bigguns would fly the dawg away to there nest lol....

nova scotia
Zach , Nice to see you on here ,,and nice looking decoys to boot.

I think you will find this a great place to hang out.

those are nice gunners. You will have a great time hunting over those birds. Good luck on that list. Wish my pal still lived out in Wa. I missed out on the chance to visit during duck season. Some hunting you have on the North end of the Left Coast.