New duck camp coming along.

Ed Askew

Well-known member
Just thought I'd post up a couple of pictures of our progress. All the welding has been done and we're ready to launch and start building out the topside. We've decided to deck her before launching, so we'll do that this weekend and launch next week.


Do y'all know what spuds are (not the kind you eat)? You see those two big pipes that are oriented vertically welded onto one side of the pontoons, those are for the spuds. A spud is just a huge pole anchor, a big pipe that goes down into the mud holding a barge in place, allowing it to float up and down with the tide.


That's the bracket for the motor, a 100hp Yamaha long shaft.


That's the rudder. It goes on the front of the camp. Allows you to turn on a dime. One of the other guys in our club had a camp with a rudder like that, worked great.
