New Guy, "New" Old Boat

Nicholas Lee

New member
Hey guys, Nick here from Eastern NC. I'll start this off saying I'm a broke college student trying to hunt every chance I get but I've been relying on friends to be able to go. This summer I set out for a boat that I could easily throw on top of my Jeep and get around the local rivers and marshes. After many hours of searching I came across a boat with what appeared to be lots of potential. I picked it up from a guy for a decent price, only to find out it leaked, had cracking fiberglass, and a broken trolling motor built into it. The leaks and cracked fiberglass we covered up by a roofing tar like bottom paint but they would be easily fixed. Here are some pics after I got home from picking it up. From what I can tell by the HIN, its from Gleason Boat Works in Kinard, Fl. She was built in October 1976 and measures 12' long, 34 inches on the bottom, and 40 inches at the widest point. It is extremely stable from my only water test.



After lots of sanding, I realized that the fiberglass cracking around the built in trolling motor was worse than expected so we cut it out then plugged and glassed the hole, as well as the rest of the bottom.
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Next, after getting a free trolling motor from my dad, the plan was to build a transom so we could remove the motor for transport. Foot pedal steering and throttle control in the cockpit was planned too.

Mocking up the trolling motor and transom

Hole cut to remove cracked fiberglass

Transom and first coat of new paint

Final paint

After paint we started working on the throttle control and steering. We ended up cutting the motor shaft and mounting the stock throttle in the cockpit. To be able to remove the trolling motor we used a trailer plug (you can see it in the transom piece) and hard wired the throttle control in the boat. Steering was as easy as mounting the foot pedals in the boat running cables back to the motor. The cables run hidden under the gunwales and come out the back near the transom.

Shortened stock motor throttle

Trailer plug in the transom


Foot pedals

great job and a great post. Thanks for taking the time to take and then post the pictures of the project. I think you are going to have some fun with that this year.
It looks like you guys have a Jeep problem at the house though.........
Great Job!

I remember moving into the Dorm with Guns, decoys, fishing rods, back packs, ect ect
while Kids and parents were moving in Mini-frig's and toaster ovens all around us.
We got some strange looks from the parents.

What kind of beer is that???
Cool boat and nice write up. Those foot pedals look like they're on hinges. Do they fold flat to be out of the way while hunting? I could see those hinges getting busted up with bags of decoys or other gear. Also, if they don't fold flat I would be cautious about not getting a foot or wader caught on them and sending you overboard.

Nice job on the transom and motor.

Thanks a lot guys! It sure has been a fun project for sure! As for the foot pedals, they do fold flat, all that needs to be done is unhooking the cables from the motor. The beer in the picture is Red Stripe, countless others were put into the work too. A Jeep problem is a good problem to have! (There is actually another Cherokee left out of the picture)

I hope to be getting back to work on her this weekend, I've been stalled this week due to 15+ inches of rain since Sunday.
Got back working on the blind on the boat. Its still not done yet but yall can get the picture. I'll post more pictures when I get some more done to it.





Smart move lashing your fastgrass sheets to the bungee cord. It'll help it from tearing out if it gets caught up on something. Looks to be a very hideable boat. Good job with it.
Took the boat out for its first hunt on Friday. Had a great time and the boat did awesome! 2 guns, 3 ringers and a woodie, all drakes!



