New Migrator...

Erik K.

New member
Hi Everyone! I just thought I would say hello since I'm new here. I'm a ravenous duck and goose hunter looking to take that next big step of becoming more intimate with our sport....making my own gunner decoys. I hope to learn alot from all of the talented carvers here on Happy gunning!
Welcome Aboard!
I'm a fellow PA native, grew up in northeast PA, in Wayne County. Havent lived there full-time since 1988, but I still have siblings there and its still "home".
Welcome, Erik!

I'm a newbie myself - not quite one month. Lots of great information, story and especially people.

I look forward to your decoy adventures - be happy to help however I can.


Welcome. I too, just recently joined the sight and also just recently began carving. Great folks on this site. Very friendly and helpful. Hope you enjoy being here as much as I have.

Welcome Erik! I am happy and sad for you, in that by choosing to make your own decoys and get deepky into waterfowling traditions, you are jumping into the deep end of the pool. Lots of fun and opportunity, but a few frustrations too! Those of us who make our own decoys, build or refurbish our own duck boats, and wax philosophic about waterfowling literature from decades ago, don't usually fall in the middle of the bell curve. We are kind of on the edges, and some of our waterfowling friends might (and do) think we are a bit strange.

The one thing I have learned on this site, if you have a question, ask! Everyone here jumps up with good info, tips, and suggestions. Most importantly, we tend to be a supportive group who embrace newcomers with positive feedback and praise..................

Need patterns? Ask and they appear. Never fear showing your projects. You will get lots of kudos, even on the first ones, and you'll also get lots of supportive suggestions that will help you progress qucikly.

Again, welcome!
