new fixed

Steve Postma

New member
Hi everyone,
I was doing some research for my new project and came across the site, been looking every day for my validation so I can post and see all the photo’s!

I grew up hunting pheasant and dove in California, but didn’t hunt again for many years. The last couple years I have done some goose hunting with my brother-in-law on Maryland's eastern shore and got bit by the bug again.

I picked this boat up late last year and now that the snow is melting I have started work on it. I figure the boat is at least 50 years old, maybe more. She's 16 feet long with two seating compartments. The top third plywood was completely delaminated . The middle third had the outer two layers bad and the bottom of the boat was in fairly good shape except for two large rot spots.

I pulled all the glass off and all the delaminated plywood off, leaving what had not delaminated . So far this year I have added a layer of 3/8 marine plywood to the bottom and am working my way up with 1/4 on the sides. She's starting to look nice again.

If anyone has seen anything like her, I would appreciate hearing from you. I can’t wait to get her in the water!

Sorry, but the pictures are displayed now! The handsome beast in the photo is my best buddy Sam!

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Looks like ya got your work cut out ofr ya. Ought to be a nice looking boat when your done.

Steve, I hunt the Cambridge area. Keep us posted. Would like to see what she looks like completed. Good luck.
Here's a update on the boat as of July 27, I really want to get this baby finished. I have a little more epoxy work on the stern, and then build my oar. I may or may not put grass rails on this year.

You are ahead of me. I have an oar made, but no float yet. The float forms are about ready. I have the transom 95% shaped. Hopefully I can get to planking and end up with something that looks as good as yours.