Not to many wood ducks yet

anthony m coons sr

Well-known member
After taking a ride on the Hudson River. We started checking areas we put wood duck boxes. So far not to many wood ducks sited. Lots of other ducks and geese but very few woodies at this time. The numbers of boxes are down this year do to the virus. But we still got eighteen out and well over a hundred out there. As you guys and gal know this is what I do. I try to give back in anyway I can. Next week or so I will be riding the river to put some more boxes up. I can't do it by myself anymore ! so I have to wait to they open the state up to get help. New York State is going to be the last state open I guess. So we will have to wait and see. If your home and you should be! Go outside and build yourself a wood duck box. If you can't build one buy one. Or go bore a hole in a tree. That works too trust me. One person can help a wood duck just by building a box and placing it in the right area. Thanks for the nice emails I get. Letting me know you got out there because of me. And built a wood duck box. I'm never in the pictures because I take them.

Be Safe God Bless
Anthony M Coons
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Thank you for your post several weeks ago and for the inspiration. I had 5 boxes in disrepair. I was able to refurbish 3 and get them mounted on posts in our creek. There are nests in two of them and have not checked the third one. I shot one wood duck last year, so if one box produces, woodies are net positive for my efforts.

Keep up the good work in your area.

[;)] Rod

Great job my friend and thank you very very much. I try to put out as many as we can . Do they all work! if I said yes: I would be a big liar. But ! by doing that you get many boxes that do work. I been doing this with my club for almost forty years. And I'm here to tell you , when we started wood ducks were like getting a big buck. Now we see them almost all the time. And the ones that make it. Seem to come back an breed again. Last year during the season flocks of wood ducks was around. Not really big flocks , but wood ducks don't role like other ducks. So I know were doing a great job. Plus your doing your State and other near by State a service. Producing one of the prettiest birds God ever made.Keep up the wonderful work.
Stay Safe
Good luck Dave, We have used many different plans over the years. The ones we used this year my brother has . So the ones I sent you work just as good.