NY NE Zone season 2015-2916

Kevin B

Well-known member
Ny NE zone 2015-2016 duck season input.

It is that time of year, we are meeting earlier this year to set the 2016-2017 season dates so please give your input on this past season and next fall opener/split and close dates.

Kevin Bodmer
NE zone task force
Kevin, we give our input every year and Im not sure why because nothing ever changes. I have never heard anyone say they would like more days in the early season but that seems to be what happens. I have been told that we cant get two splits but other east coast states seem to get them. with that said here is what I would like to see. The first season opening in October only be 5 days rather than 10, doesn't matter when in October because we are basically shooting the same birds all month. Take the other 5 days and give them to us after Christmas, that way the fair weather guys and the die hards feel like they have at least been taken into consideration. You cant make every one happy but an attempt would be nice for a change. I have heard some pretty ridiculous reasons for us not getting a later season , not enough open boat ramps being one of them, that's just crazy. There are several that stay open until mid January , and the guys that would be hunting then know where they are.
How did the Momarsh work out this season ?

Bill, the Momarsh is great. Hunted the seaway,lake Champlain and some marshes in it. Amazingly stable and once I figured out to paddle it sitting as far astern as possible it tracked fine. Slow yes but I'll trade speed for safety in December. Still haven't put a motor on it, some type of small mud motor would do the trick.
As far as birds very few
I have the Torquedo electric motor. I only used it twice but, the boat was scary fast and the charge lasts for 6 hours; so you never have to worry about not having enough charge to get you home.
The opener potentially could be a week later(The 8th) seeing that the 1st Saturday in October is the 1st. The season may run as late as the 18th, giving more December days than October days,18/12. Later dates, after Christmas dates, could be in our future, but I wouldn't count on it.

I looked into getting an Ontario non-resident license, Sept 24th-JAn. 9th
about 200.00 and you can still bring 3 long arms per permit.
I'd love just a longer season in general. A additional week for early birds and and added week perhaps two on the latter end of the season. Wishful think I'm sure, but hey ya never know.

I'd love just a longer season in general. A additional week for early birds and and added week perhaps two on the latter end of the season. Wishful think I'm sure, but hey ya never know.


Don't we all! It will be interesting to see when the birds do come down.
Well, at least maybe they will give an extended late season. The early season showed some promise, but the local bird count seemed to be lower than normal. There were far fewer Teal and Woodies than usual. I took my daughter out on the last day of the season, the 27th and there were zero birds. We have been checking out local ponds, marshes and lakes for bird counts and there are still very few or no birds. from what I gather even guys in the Northern counties of the state are still not seeing many birds. Makes one wonder where the heck the birds are? I wonder how accurate the bird counts have been the last couple of years? Song bird migrations have been screwed up and changing as well so maybe it is finally affecting the ducks? Who knows, but I can only hope for an extra couple of weeks into January.


I suggest the following 2 options:

(1) open on October 1 as we did in 2011 when it was a Saturday. Run the first split for 7 days, to October 7 (a Friday). Open the second split on Saturday, November 5 and run through Tuesday, December 27. If my math is correct, that is 60 days.

(2) open on October 1 and run the first split through the following Sunday, October 9. Open the second split on Saturday, November 5 and close it on December 25.

Basically, just push back the second opener a week and that will provide shooting further into December.

Well, at least maybe they will give an extended late season. The early season showed some promise, but the local bird count seemed to be lower than normal. There were far fewer Teal and Woodies than usual. I took my daughter out on the last day of the season, the 27th and there were zero birds. We have been checking out local ponds, marshes and lakes for bird counts and there are still very few or no birds. from what I gather even guys in the Northern counties of the state are still not seeing many birds. Makes one wonder where the heck the birds are? I wonder how accurate the bird counts have been the last couple of years? Song bird migrations have been screwed up and changing as well so maybe it is finally affecting the ducks? Who knows, but I can only hope for an extra couple of weeks into January.


Zane, that is what I saw as well, no birds. Traveling to the southern zone after Lake Champlain closed was still very mild. The problem was nothing froze up anywhere . Getting more December days is a slow process in the NE Zone. Possibly more days in January for the SE zone but that would be up to SE task force. I don't think we will ever see January hunting in the north country.