NYS Assembly with a new gun bill...

John Fraser

Well-known member
Check out bill number A03908. Assemblyman Ortiz is proposing that all gun owners should get $1,000,000 insurance coverage for any damages resulting from "negligent or willful acts" involving their firearms.

These elected officials are some real pieces of work.
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I am sure that criminals will run out & get this insurance right after they register their stolen guns.
you know what cracks me up about all these laws too, police..active and retired,, are always exempt, so why are they allowed to have such access to firearms? the guy in Ca. last week he was a cop?? Drew Peterson? and I know if you look at how many others have snapped and killed themselves or others.where does it stop with these half assed laws?.
its all so assine ..just some politician and his ego "look I got Bill so n so thought up and passed"
and the news media is just as much to blame.. remember "Tell a lie enough times and it becomes the truth" Dr. Joseph Goebbels
you do realize those poor children in CT. were shot with handguns right? the "assault weapon" never left the shooters car trunk till the police removed it. I know it does change the deaths of those children but the media should state facts. not sensationalize things for the political benefit
and mind you I have nothing against police, I am tired of feeling attacked for something I enjoy.
I would like to see our country safe and crime and violence reduced but there has not been a single new law proposed that has done that or will.
I gotta stand up for Law Enforcement people, retired, and active, where I live. Almost ALL, including the retired DA, are against NY's Safe Act. This still the USA, Thank God & In God We Trust.

Thanks for sending this info along. I just wrote (e-mail, actually) to my NYS electeds: Assemblyman, Senator and Governor Cuomo.

I pointed out that:

1) We do not require insurance for other Constitutionally-guaranteed civil rights (speech, religion)

2) Analogy with car insurance is invalid. We do not need insurance to possess cars, only to use them on public highways.

3) Added cost - especially to young hunters - and a windfall to insurance industry.

Also, I have requested repeal of the NY SAFE Act (so-called) provision that bans internet ammo sales. I save lots of money buying my 2 3/4" steel shells by the case. And, I suspect this provision violates "commerce clause" of US Constitution.

I suppose I run the risk of becoming the stereotypical retired crackpot, but - having worked in government for 35 years - i have come to believe in the words of Edmund Burke: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

All the best,
