Obama's Gun Plan/U.S.Military FIRING ON U.S.CITIZENS!!

Regardless of where you stand on this topic you will find interesting info. by googleing "patriot act vs. the constitution" Be happy,don,t worry.
LMAO...Yep and I'm learning just to except it's always my fault too!..;-)

You've been married how long Ed and you are NOW just learning that it is alwys your fault. Must be one heck of a wifey....

Mark W
LMAO...Yep and I'm learning just to except it's always my fault too!..;-)

You've been married how long Ed and you are NOW just learning that it is alwys your fault. Must be one heck of a wifey....

Mark W

LOL.....she's always telling people how she's got me trained but even though she didn't want another dog who got a puppy for Christmas?......hehe. You gotta game the system. Oh, hell who am I kidding, she lets me have my way most of the time! Don't tell anyone but I know she's gaming the system too. She wants new carpet after the puppy is house broke!
he has or is in the process signing a treaty that will allow FOREIGN ARMED FORCES( NATO)?? to enter this (OUR) country incase of civil unrest. It is no secret that today's Military(OBAMA'S) wants large capacity fire arms/assault type out of LAW ABIDING CITIZENS=INCASE MARSHAL LAW IS IMPLEMENTED! THIS IS the beginning of his SOCIALISTIC IDEALISM. FREE HEALTH CARE and TAX THE WORKING MAN.

http://www.snopes.com/...cs/guns/untreaty.asp So sad that so many think snopes is the final say to something being real or not. So lazy. Read the NATO arms treaty yourself. I have read a lot of it and its a bit scary. It is in there and Hillary and Barry are pushing for it. You'll be suprised when you see who heads up the committee for NATO.

When the feds go to the gun stores, subpoena the records and start compiling the lists of CCW applicants and everyone that ever thought they wanted to buy a gun we'll all be labeled "unlawful Combatants" with no rights even under the Geneva Convention due to the "Patriot Act" as someone else pointed out. Read that and you'll see NO foreign treaty will be needed. Good God man...Judge Dreed is on our front steps. "Step back citizen and have a Joy Joy Day!" Maybe I am that naive so shame on me but I'm not going to live in paranoia! There is roughly 2,700,000 in the combined military today. Funny that's the current population of Chicago. NATO today has roughly 113,000 troops assigned from what, 48 countries? Pretty sure I'll be back in the marsh next season.
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You're right. How crazy for me to worry. Our rights have not been rapidly eroding over the years and it has not sped up in the last 5 or so. My appologies.
You're right. How crazy for me to worry. Our rights have not been rapidly eroding over the years and it has not sped up in the last 5 or so. My appologies.

Nope...You were only excerising your 1st amendment rights. My appologies. God forbid that if NATO forces either at the request of our govenment or another come ashore, I can only hope that many of those 2,700,000 military folk defend the land with use rather than against us.
Basically were all screwed. The final nail in the coffin for me whas when they renewed the NDAA a couple years ago that essentially gets rid of habius corpus. Indefinite detention for anybody who is a threat to the government with no trial. It has since been reworded but still isn't so great. As the dollar continually gets devalued people are going to get more and more upset. As the 45 billion a month being given to the banks starts to leave the banks and actually circulate inflation will really sets in. When enough people cannot afford stuff like food and shelter it is going to get ugly and the government is getting ready for it.
You're right. How crazy for me to worry. Our rights have not been rapidly eroding over the years and it has not sped up in the last 5 or so. My appologies.

Nope...You were only excerising your 1st amendment rights. My appologies. God forbid that if NATO forces either at the request of our govenment or another come ashore, I can only hope that many of those 2,700,000 military folk defend the land with use rather than against us.

And you were as well so my appologies for the smart reply. Im not a dooms day minded person, but things are happening fast and its a bit scary. The ecomony isnt being tended to nor is the federal budget. Instead the agenda of the left against guns has the spot light while using dead children as a back drop. It makes me sick. The speeches and comments Ive read and heard that put our rights at risk are of the most unamerican nature Ive seen in my life. This country has been dumbed down and made to think that if you question and stand up for something you believe in youre a radical or an extremist. Too many things go on in Washington without those yo yos having to answer for it. I think we need to spend more time actually reading the bills and proposed laws rather than taking the media's word for it no matter what the format.
I'll give you some fact, and its what really scares me. Obama's new executive orders lean towards the use of doctors to deem someone unfit to own a gun. Are doctors recieving weapons training in med school now? How are they to know if you can ethically and safely handle a gun? We do not have any other constitutional rights that require the govt's permission to exercise them. Under obamacare private practices will soon fade (Ive talked with my local doctors who are neighbors and they say they wont be able to keep the doors open with the added costs and cuts to billing.) So in the end this facist medicine will be administered by govt doctors. Now you have a govt doc telling you if you can own a gun or not. Its then reported to the govt breaking the doctor/patient confidentiality clause.
IMO the country to going the exact opposite way in order to make things better and grow a strong youth for our future. Instead of dumb down classrooms and teaching children that conflict or standing up for what you believe in even if you stand alone is bad. We need to teach them to voice opinions on all matters to anyone if need be. Morals need to be restored to entertainment. I watched a show with my son that I thought was a family show on ABC last week full of story book characters. They had to toss the B word in it. The next day my son used the word at two people, but this is another conversation in its own. My point was that kids dont need to be made afraid of guns. Despite what the left would have us believe guns are not evil. The people who decide to do these evil things are. Kids need to be taught that guns arent just something seen in video games and tv where the people are blown in half and get back up. My 3 yr old son has a toy O/U. He takes it when he joins me in the blind and handles it as if it were real and loaded at all times. If he slips up it is taken away and he gets a talking. Education using facts rather than propaganda and teaching responsibility rather than hand holding would go a long way to help our society.
Sorry for my long winded, scatter brained post. I guess I had a lot to say. haha

I don't disagree with anything you've said here. Turning kids away from firearms has been going on a long time now. Personally for me in our area I blame our DARE officers for putting the fear of guns in the heads of our kids. For instance I picked up my youngest from DARE camp when he was 7 years old and when I asked him if he had fun his first question was "daddy do you really have to have guns?" When I asked him what brought that up his reply was officer such-n-such taught us the only people who should have guns are the police because they protect us from bad people. I turned the car around right then and there with my wife screaming at me to forget it and go home. I found officer such-n-such and gave her a piece of my mind. We didn't part on good terms. A couple of weeks later he asked me if I'd buy a safe and put the guns in it. I asked him why and he told me his friends kept bugging him to get the guns out and show them and he didn't want to touch the guns. At this point I did. Through the years I tried to get him interested. When he was 12 we took the hunter education coarse. I tried taking him hunting with me but he didn't want anything to do with it. He'd hold the dead ducks and geese that I'd shot but he didn't want to kill anything. Today he's married and 24 years old. Funny how he loves venison and waterfowl. As he's gotten older he has changed his tune about guns and owns one now. What did he buy?...an AR15...why....because his friends have them and he knows more about them through games like DOOM, HALO, RAINBOW 6 and many others! I am so glad I had him around me when I'd clean my guns and taught him the proper way of handling a gun. He grew up hearing me say time and time again, Make sure the safety is on until your ready to pull the trigger, Always point the barrel to the sky or at the ground, Never point a gun at anything you don't intend to shot, Always treat a gun as if it were loaded. After the deer I got last season he did mention he might like to go deer hunting with me. We'll see.

I really liked the speech the NSSF president gave at SHOT Show this year. If only more anti-gun folk had access to this type of message rather than the CNN-Frekinstein bulls%^%^#t. Actually if you read the AW bans the states are pushing the langauge is almost identical. Is the federal government blackmailing states into pushing their agenda? Oh and everyone should run for office since the Frekinstien ban would leave government officials exempt.

Sorry....my rant for the day!
I tend to look on the bright side. As I've contemplated the scenarios which could result as our country and countrymen continue on the current trajectory, I've troubled over what would be an appropriate and effective consideration for our reprisal. Easy, aim for those in the blue helmets.
Soylent Green Is People!!!

i had to say it. but seriously im only 23 and live in Ct. and things are getting pretty scary. my dad brought his gun into school for wood working class and would hunt with his teachers. my friends and i brought ours to school and just hid them. i would pick a younger buddy up at high school before he could drive with the dog, boat and everything else we need. now i dont even want bring one to work. people freak out when i walk into dunkin donuts, dressed in camo from hunting in the morning

if i had grown up in the fifties and saw what my grand kids had to live in now, i would most likely be ashamed of what had happend to America. my uncle that served in both wars in Iraq just shakes his head when we talk about current events

Hell, I am ashamed. one can hope for things to get better, but the hope is fading fast

Like your dad, from 1969 to 1973 we were allowed to bring our shotguns and ammo on the school bus for the opening day of shotgun deer season. My dad would leave work and pick me up at lunch time to go hunting. I belonged to the .22 club at school that was sponsored by the NRA. The year after I graduated this practice was condemned as insanity by the local anti-gunners so under pressure the school stopped the practice and dropped the shooting sports. To date there has never been a shooting at that school! If properly taught, gun ownership teaches maturity, safety, pride of ownership, sportsmanship, morale ethics to mention a few. If the news media was in fact unbiased the public would see not only the ugly side of guns in the hands of people that would do evil but would see the positive side as well. After all don't we still sponsor competitive shooting in the olympics? It's reported today there are over a million young people compete in the shooting sports through programs like the 4-H program, Boys Scounts, The American Legion, NCAA, Scholastic Clay Target program as well as others.

My youngest son is 24. You guys are the voice of the future for your children. Make your voice loud and clear.
My school also had shooting sports. I remember when every student had to take archery class in gym. My wife was also on the shooting team at her school.

I don't think we will ever see those days again.

Make sure your voices are heard loud and clear on this issue.

While I sit here in the hospital with my daughter we have been educating some of the health care workers. Most of them view gun owners as insane murderers and believe everything they read in the news.

I guess when you work in a hospital you only see and hear about the acts of violance commited with firearms and nothing about the great memories of past hunts with family and friends.

We have been talking it up about firearms and tellng stories about all the good memories we have shared over the years while shooting.

Keep the pressure on!

Like your dad, from 1969 to 1973 we were allowed to bring our shotguns and ammo on the school bus for the opening day of shotgun deer season. My dad would leave work and pick me up at lunch time to go hunting. I belonged to the .22 club at school that was sponsored by the NRA. The year after I graduated this practice was condemned as insanity by the local anti-gunners so under pressure the school stopped the practice and dropped the shooting sports. To date there has never been a shooting at that school! If properly taught, gun ownership teaches maturity, safety, pride of ownership, sportsmanship, morale ethics to mention a few. If the news media was in fact unbiased the public would see not only the ugly side of guns in the hands of people that would do evil but would see the positive side as well. After all don't we still sponsor competitive shooting in the olympics? It's reported today there are over a million young people compete in the shooting sports through programs like the 4-H program, Boys Scounts, The American Legion, NCAA, Scholastic Clay Target program as well as others.

My youngest son is 24. You guys are the voice of the future for your children. Make your voice loud and clear. Well said Ed.
Things have realy gotten weird with the gun sales .I remember when I was 15years old back in 1952,I walked into al"s pawn shop who also sold new and old shotguns.I bought a20 ga. side byside shot gun brand new in the box for 50.00 dollars a duck stamp 1.00 and a box peters high velocity 2 3/4 shells for 2.50. I also remember getting on public bus transportation for .10 cents to get to the marsh I hunted,the only request from the driver was to break the shotgun
down.No won panicked or got off the bus.there where no problems,of course tv shows only had hody-do-dy and cowboy movies and a few others. but now with all the violence they show on tv the kids are getting bad ideas. I believe that there should be a program on what adamage a weapon can do and the need for safe handling to those student.