OK I am real slow on the uptake

Don Shearer

Active member

Did everyone else know you can support this site by making a donation via Paypal by clicking on the link that says Support duckboats.net in the upper right of your computer screen? Well I am be slow but I finally figured it out. If your slow like I am now maybe the time to click on that link.

My best,

Don Shearer
Hi Don,

Count me in on being slow too, I did not know that. But, while I certainly see nothing wrong with helping out this site with a donation....I am against the use of Pal-Pal in any way. A check in the mail to Eric is to my way of thinking abetter way of making a donation.

Here's why, Pay-Pal has been bought by eBay and since eBay has been bought by a trash can full of bunny huggers that are SO ANTI-GUN that they have recently announced that Pay-Pal will no longer handle any type of transactions that involve the purchase of guns or ammunition and they have added new restrictions on the sale of gun parts on Ebay.

There is not much one can do about eBay as far as buying or selling on their website, but as soon as I found out about thier new Pay-Pal policy I cancelled my account with them as many other Pro-gun, Pro-hunters I know have done.

Just my thoughts on Pay-Pal. Too bad, it was a neat way to buy things on eBay........I have gone back to using Postal M.O.'s again for my eBay purchases.


Ever since I first saw a copy of Playboy I always wanted to be a bunny hugger myself. Oh, I get it know your talkin about a differnt kind of bunny hugger...I told you I was a bit slow on the uptake. :)

I had never heard that about Paypal before. I will check into it.

Now I am out the door to try for some more pheasants.

My best,

Don Shearer

Thank you very much for the contribution. It's generous acts like your's that keep this site rolling along without too much difficulty. If you pay close attention now you will see the title "Sponsor" behind your name in your posts. We like to recognize those that keep us on the air.

Thanks for the reminder. I was way overdue with a contribution. I urge everyone who benefits from this site to contribute now.