Ontario Decoys - Henderson, NY

Steve Sanford

Well-known member

I am guessing Glenn Sweet knows all about this company - since they were made about an hour south of Clayton, Thousand Islands, etc.. I just bought 7 of these Black Ducks from a local gunner - who bought them new in the late 60s or early 70s. He had re-painted them but told me the original paint had lots of feather detail.

I am not sure of their future. I will probably rehab them - most likely as Mallards.

Any info about the company would be very welcome!





They have nicely-carved heads - each positioned a bit different - left and right, up and down.


All the best,

Steve, I tried finding out about them earlier this summer. There is a barn on Rt. 3 in Henderson, It has an old sign painted on the side. Visible from the road if you are headed south. I'm sure Glenn S. would know. (Route 3 is also home to Ken Harris) Cool find, thanks for posting. Dan
That keel and stamp look very similar to Ken Harris' work. Although the Harris corks I've seen have a wide, shallow keel that's wider at the top than the bottom (like a trapezoid in cross section). Perhaps some acquaintance/influence though since they are from the same area.
Ontario Decoys was owned by Ron Ditch and Paul Reed, they made decoys in the 70's and 80's. one did the painting the other ran the 12 spindle duplicator.
Hi, Glenn~

I am just about done re-habbing these birds (I'll post in a couple of days). I wound up painting 5 as Black Ducks and a pair as Mallards. My appreciation for their shape grows and grows and I look forward to gunning over them this fall and winter.

Question: Since the label on the keel says "ONTARIO DECOYS R. D. Henderson, NY" - could R. D. stand for Ron Ditch? Either of these guys (Ditch or Reed - which are great names for gunners/carvers, BTW.....) still around?

All the best,


Ron Ditch is still around he ran a fishing charter business in Henderson Harbor, NY. My grandparents used to have a house up in the harbor that they sold last year. The small decoy shop that is on RT 3 that was mentioned if it is the same one is called Ferguson Decoys. The last time i was there a lady was running the shop and she also did a lot of her own carving and painting.
Good morning, All~

Thanks for all the information and leads. I have finished the rig - just needs lines and anchors - and maybe its own compartmented bag....


After refastening or re-gluing most of the heads, I bored larger holes through the keels and then gave them a soaking coat of spar varnish followed by Pettit 3303 (Dull Dead Grass) on their bottoms.



I hated to cover up the "Ontario Decoys" label but was proud to burn my brand into each keel - since I will be keeping these for my own use.


The topcoat is my usual Behr latex house paint from Home Depot.











I did not add any ballast to the keels. This rig will be for small waters and carry-in hunts - so the light weight is nice.




Just as I finished these photos, another 2 dozen big Herters puddlers arrived in need of new paint.....

All the best,

