open message to Steve Tull

Matt, Steve,
Welcome to the site. Great place to hang out and learn some things-literally every time I get on here someone has added new knowledge. Look forward to seeing you decoys.
What is this all about? They got a bee in their bonnet to make a "Bunny" hutch.
Its like listening to an old married couple down there but they sure are having fun.

Gonna really hurt if they get it done and I have to get a Rabbit!

Thats what I get for not finding a new cat when the old one finally gave up after 17 years.

Any one know how long rabbits live?

I cant take another 17 year old pet that dosnt fetch ducks.........

Bob, I took in a pet rabbit for a young lady from a broken home who was heading off to University. It turned out to be a lot of fun and a great house pet. It was litter trained and had more personality than any cat I have met and many dogs. She reclaimed her bunny after she graduated and it died the following year. It lived about 5 or 6 years total.

Steve, Matt, funny how things happen and turn out fine. Nice to have you aboard.
Well, given that you manned up and apologized, I'd say your Pop has taught you well.

Welcome to the site, go ahead and get your own sign-on.

And gotta say, that was one hell of a dog y'all raised, he did a hell of a job for the military and I am very sorry for your loss.
I can't say anything about Steve or Matt... But I have college friend (Jeff Baxter) that says Joe Friday is a good guy.... :)
Hey fellas this is matt, steves son. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Im guilty for the posts. I didnt happen think everyone would see them. I was looking to sell a few things on the classifieds, and couldnt do that until we had 30 posts. I now see that doing that is frowned upon. I apologize once again.

Yes Cole was an amazing dog and I still think about him everyday. Thank you for all the kind words.

I'll be sure to get some pictures of our decoys up shortly. There really coming along.

As far as my dads goes...Love him to death, He'd do anything in the world for ya. Hes taught me everything i know, and he supports me with everything I do. Lets just we've had a few come to jesus meeting in my 20 years, but he loves me the same. I couldnt ask for a better dad. Love ya pop

"Nice post" :)