Opener and motor problems - help

Checked with Tom a couple of times. Motor is a 1997 15 hp, I thought it was newer for some reason. Tom passed along a couple of suggestions that I'll try and one of these is to get a compression test completed.

The price for this advice and promised help is AT LEAST a 6 pack and Tom seems to think that the Amber Bock is current choice.

Mark W
A six of Aber Boch and that thing better run better than new.

Dave, all the newer ones I have seen ...the shift rod disconnects behind the intake screens.

Come to think of it that's where my 25 hp connects too (behind the screen). My 9.9 is "more mature" and connects as described above.
Dave, First off it needs to be more than six


I was hoping that by keeping it at a six pack,,,,,,,,,,, Mark would have fewer "extra" parts when the job was complete.
Dave , There are never "extra" parts, just slip them in a pocket and tell yourself "It'll be OK" yuk, yuk. You know my reputation is taking a real beating today.