Our Help is Needed - UglyOrangeBarrier

Hi, All. I just wanted to extend a sincere thanks to Pete and all the men and women who signed the petition to take back what belongs to the citizens of the United States and fundamentally what our Military is overseas to protect. That's the real tragedy in all this. All of the comments you all added were great and allow our Governor, the DEEP, State Representatives and CY to understand where the Public stands and that we're sick of all of you thinking your above the people you have been elected or hired to serve first and foremost . If you have not read and signed the petition please do so at :


Thanks so much - as one person commented this is a State Issue with National Importance. Your hunting hole could be next. Safe and successful Hunting and please spread the word - we need about 400 more signatures and then head to the Capital.

Norb Heil
President, Heart of Ct Bassmasters
and Proud East Hampton Ct Resident
Done Pete. Thanks for bringing it to peoples attention.
Hopefully this will make an impact.
Country is ripe for a revolution!!!!