Outboard question

Bill McAdam

Active member
I recently picked up a 1986 Evinrude 40 ECDE outboard for my duck boat. I need to get remote controls and cables for it. But I have no idea what I'm looking for. Anybody have a good link to show me what I need?
Bill, go to BRP's website. There is a spot there where you can find parts diagrams for almost all their engines. I tried to get into it so I could give you a direct link but my old slow dial up is having problems getting in. Google BRP and I think it's on the second google page there is a link to the parts portion of their humoungus site.

If it is anything like my Tohatsu, then the miscellaneous parts to convert it would cost a small fortune from the dealer. What I did was bought a parts motor from the same model with remote control, swapped over the required parts - viola! Much more cost effective.

My motor's set up for remote control already.......no mods to the motor. It just didn't come with the shifter/throttle control and cables like Ed pointed to in his link. Thanks everybody. I think I'm on track now.