Painting the boat.


Active member
I got tired of the paint flaking off my boat so my son and I stripped the paint off over the summer. I base coated the boat with FME from Lou and added the tree camo today.

The motor is new and is going to get a cover (no paint) - I have not even run it yet. I'm going to replace the inside lights with LCD lights and rework some of wiring over the next few days. I'm thinking the boat will be ready to go in the water next weekend.

Base coat - done a few weeks ago.

Base coat for the trees

Trees done.


Still got some more details to add but I'm happy with the way it is looking so far. I'm going to add a little marsh grass in spots along the bottom edge. I'm working to match the banks of the lake I hunt. I think it is getting close. If everything goes ok, I will be loading the decoys next Sunday and it will be ready for hunting season.

Please let me know if you see anything I should add or change to get some more depth in the camo. I'm trying to not add too much small detail as it just blurs at a distance.
Cool camo... do you live on the sun???? those first 2 pics look like a lot of solar flare!!!! :) Is that a Duckwater?
I don't know what is going on with the "pink" in the first two photos. I think the camera is about to die.

It is a DuckWater.
19' x 95" with 115HO Etec Cant wait to see what the new motor will do. the 50hp I had on it would push it 23mph (loaded)
Please let me know if you see anything I should add or change to get some more depth in the camo. I'm trying to not add too much small detail as it just blurs at a distance.


If you are going to use the boat on Guntersville then I recommend you add a bunch of cormorants in those trees. You'd really blend in. Seriously, nice work.

19' x 95" with 115HO Etec Cant wait to see what the new motor will do. the 50hp I had on it would push it 23mph (loaded)
I used to manage a johnson/evinrude dealership, just talked with the owner about that same motor, he just put one on his steelhead boat....I think your going to love it!
Added the grass to the bottom edge. I think it is done. Now to install the new lights.


This is what the shore looks like where I hunt. I'm trying to blend in without having to add too much additional camo material.

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I don't think you'll have any trouble blending in! Nice paint job and be sure to get us a photo of the boat backed up into the bank.
What color of the FME did you use for the base coat? I am looking at doin an older lund very similar.


Jeff Cobb
I used the 3 Natural Gear colors. I swapped the gray base coat with the NG brown. The trees are done in the gray then shaded with the dark brown. I felt it matched the color of the shoreline better.
Scott, don't plan on hunting that boat in Wisconsin. It is illegal to hunt up against dead trees. They will probably just ticket you at the landing to save time. (hehe)

Nice job. looking forward to seeing the boat up against the cover.
Wow! Please take and post a picture with your boat up against the shoreline if possible...

..that is a cool paint job. thanks for sharing.