
John Sapnar

New member

Tell your hunting buddies. Lots of decoys and boats as well.

The 16th annual New Jersey Decoy Collectors Association Show
MARCH 29th

Parkertown Firehouse
830 Parkertown Drive
Parkertown, NJ

Directions: Exit 58 GSP to RT. 539 East. Go one mile
then turn left on Parkertown Drive.
Firehouse at first light, next to church.

Admission $3 per Adult, Children FREE

9am until 4pm (rain or shine).

Looks like it will be a full house with plenty of offerings from well-known and maybe not-so-well known dealers and carvers. And some new “stuff” that is sure to add to the day.

This year our Featured Carver will be George Elmer.

The species for the Shorebird Carving contest will be the Red Knot, and the Brant for the Duck Carving Contest.

If you have any questions or would like to help please contact Brian Hartmann (609) 652-7111
I am Looking for some insight from those that have been to the Parkertown show. It has been over 2 months since hunting season and I am going through withdrawls. I would like to see some hunting stuff and I am considering going this weekend. I have never been, I'm just trying to justify wether it is worth the price they get for fuel these days.

I have only been to the havre de grace show, so how does it compare to that? Is it smaller or larger? Does it have more or less boats? Is it mostly indoors or out? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Gene
I went last year so that is my frame of reference but, It is MUCH smaller that Havre de Grace. Mostly indoors, mostly for decoy COLLECTORS. There is a swap meet outside where you will come across a couple sneakboxes or layouts. How far of a commute is it for you?

Thanks for the info, It would take me approx. 3 hour to get to parkertown. I would not consider my self to be much of a "collector", I am still in the "user" stage however, I do have a couple shelf birds. Maybe i'll visit the show and then check out the Tuckerton Museum. I just had not seen much advertisement for the Parkertown show. I was surprised given how close it is to Tuckerton, which I had seen a lot of advertisement for the Tuckerton show. I just did'nt want to travel 3 hours for a lone picnic table of deeks and a yardsale table, haha.

Thanks again,
Stop by the Tuckerton museum after. Bring a pair of Binocs drive out to the bay and see some real ducks. Lots of great ways to make a day of it.

My guess would be your less than 3 hrs away, throw in a meal stop and potty break, 3 hrs would still be a comfortable trip time. It's worth it just for the trip to Tuckerton if you haven't been there. My wifes headed that way for a girls weekend with her mom and sister so I'm not welcome this time. Maybe they're gonna pick me something up at the show, YEAH RIGHT!

Gene Jr.

I would be taking my wife....and yes you called it. Definite meal stop and a potty break. Though I think you may have your wife pegged. Might want to let her take the truck and supply some recent photos of a certian 10' sneak box, you know, ..........just in case. I have yet to stop at the Tuckerton Museum. After listening to you I fugured it may be worth a peek.

I was just thinking of sending you a message and some photos on how my BBSB is coming. Have you worked on your float at all?

Take Care,