Phone call you don't want....


Well-known member
Went like this: Me: Holland point Marine, Howard speaking./ Caller: Mr Montjoy I'm with the Virginia Marine Police. Are you aware of a duck hunter drowning on Monday in Paquason?/ Me: I heard about it, don't have any details yet./ Caller: Mr. Montjoy, he was in one of your boats and I'd like to get some information about the boat.

It knocked the stops right out from under me. The investigation is still ongoing and I have not heard from the Coast Guard yet But according to the local paper there were two hunters in one of the sneakboats I built for the DU fundraiser a couple years ago. They had constructed a wooden blind on it complete with roof. There were apparently no life jackets and the boat capsized. Again this information is from the local news media.

I'll update this as more information becomes available but I promise you, this is not a call you want.

I'm so sorry to read this. I don't have an eloquent way to say it so...

I'll pray that those mourning the hunter's loss are comforted.

I'll pray for you as well. Not to lessen the man's loss, but don't beat yourself up over it too bad.

In all sincerity

Howard, I'm sorry and will be praying for a good outcome. Someone posted a link to the article on the Refuge and there was a picture of the boat. When I first looked at it, I noticed it looked like one of your rigs but I just figured it was one someone had homebuilt after seeing the blind.

My thoughts are with you.

good luck with this. I also build for the public.
Howard Chappelle's The History of American Sailing Ships, offers a quote,"On your decision depend the lives and property of men. This is the real responsibility of the men who design and build ships."
Believe me when I say I understand your concerns for your responsibility for these hunters lives, but it sounds like they took it upon themselves to modify and change the cog of the vessel. A mistake they could not live to regret. So tragic.
Good luck, if I can help in anyway please don't hesitate to call 843 412 4935.

Howard, always sad to hear of such things, BUT, often , when those things happen it is the fault of the person whose life is lost. It is more than obvious that the boat NEVER should hae been modified, which drastically changed the center of gravity, causing the capsize. No pfds, no brains. Those folks were obviously an accident waiting to happen.
Hunting is kind of a risk in itself, but when you increase the risk exponentially........
Certainly caused 1000 thoughts to fly across the screen in your mind. NOT a call you want to get, is right!
Howard that is just awful for the hunters family and for you the builder.
Doesnt matter what it was that caused the event, no one wants to hear about a hunter having an accident like that.

Thinking of you all tonight.
Just reviewed the news tape, which for once, provided a pretty decent, objective story on the accident.

One doesn't have to be an expert or even a smart lawyer to figure out that that tragic mishap was CLEARLY, 100% operator error and poor judgement all around... period.

Cannot blame the boat on that one... not even close.

Howard, rest easy.
Howard ;when a new car bought the warrenty on the car it says if any changes are made to said car the warrenty be null-voided.So since the desinge of your boat was altered how could you be held liable for the mishap ,also you donated the boat to DU you did not sell it directly to the two hunters.I think the first people they would go after is DU. Maybe we have a lawyer on this sight that would be willing to give you some insight to this problem, best of luck to you.

I watched on this site as you built your first ones and saw the workmanship, the testing and pride you put into them. You no doubt are wrestling with this some. Don't beat youself up. It appears your design was altered. I'm sorry for the lost of those involved but I can't see how any blame to be put on you.
Take care,

Ed L.