pic to big

Use a free photo hosting site like photobucket and you can use the edit function to resize your photo. Hope this helps.
You need to resize your pic. Some common ways are through a free resizing program such as Pixresizer or through an account such as Photobucket, imgur, etc. None of them are difficult to learn.
Gimp is a good free downloadable photo editor...similar to photoshop, but not near as pricey. Otherwise I use photobucket, you can set the size you want and it will automatically resize when uploaded, there are aps to upload from Apple or Android devices or if you don't have such a fancy device, you can email to upload from other phones. Copy and past the IMG code into your text and post as many photos in a row as you want...actually, make them i a column, I hate it when people put photos side by side and you have to scroll to the right to see everything. (Just put a carrage return or two between the IMG codes when posting multipel pics.

If you care about the quality of the photo, you'll need to resize using an editing software (several mentioned) first and resharpen your image prior to saving and uploading. Resize to 900-1000 pixels on the longest side and 72dpi, resharpen, save and then upload to whatever host you are using.

Letting programs like photobucket resize for you really degrades the quality of the photo.

my $.02 FWIW
If you have the newer version of Windows (Vista or 7), MS Paint and/or the Office Picture Managers actually do a good job of resizing JPGs down to less than 100kb.
Crop out any pars of the pic you dont need to have in the pic before you resize helps too.
I think I got it to work. Think I might need a better cam.
