Picture hunting this morning, The sun actually came out

Gary March

Well-known member
This is what I came up with. Jumped in the boat and ran the lake. First off I went to get a few pics of eagles that live just across the lake from my house.


Next I went back into the bay to see if there were any ducks in the back end. What a great surprise. Cinnamon teal Never have seen one here.



Then as I am watching a mallard I see this osprey dive and get a nice size crappie.


Thanks for looking
Gary March
not Turkeys but still nice.....be better if they were Turkeys though....

Been trying to figure out how to make it over that way to take you up on the Turkey invite...buwahahahahahahahaha....not to mention the camera lesson....I need to switch to RAW and need some guidance....


I love the Cinnamon photos but the Osprey with the nice Crappie (called a Speck down here) is an incredible photo, arguably an NG moment captured by your lens.

Screw the turkeys when you got this kind of material happening in front of you!!

Pics were all shot using Canon 40D plus 300mmLIS 2.8 with 2.0 TC. All photo's were handheld. Thanks very much for the compliments. Gary M.
Those are awesome.
Wanted to call you couple weeks ago,lost your number.

There was a Northern Loon on Sprague Lake.Yes, I was very close to it, and am sure of what it was. Also, that whole Fishtrap area has birds in it that wont be there by hunting season. Saw colored up Shovelers and Cinnamon Teak there on Thursday last week.

Cool photos. The crappie makes the shot. I've seen salmonids in the grasps of birds, but that is the first crappie. Love the open mouth. "What have I gotten myself into now"

Tight Lines ... Fred