Picture of a pair of Black bellied plovers- anybody guess who made them?


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this was taken last fall- early- with a great pair of Black bellied plovers i owned- anybody guess who made these?

classic decoys- back in the enviroment they were made for- it was about 100 yrs for one and 70 odd for the other seince they graced the salt marsh-

I don't have a guess but I can say they are awesome looking. I love the folky look to the front one and the more realistic shape to the back one. Each one has it's own charm.

Seabrook, New Hamshire.

The bird on the right is by Elmer Crowell....shoe button eyes, inserted bill, and three piece laminated construction, (for those that care about such things, the mid line lamination is the obvious straight line from the middle of the breastto the middle of the fork. The other laminaton is also visible if you look closely at just about the point where the head and neck would meet ona real bird)....probably out of his personal rig and most likely from around 1885 or so..considered one of the most anatomically accurate renditions of the bird showing the flared bill tip, the sqaure head and correct primary extension....a bird that accurate deserves to be shown in the correct habitat....put those bad boys on the open beach where they are found and not in the deep grass of the high intertidal marsh.

Quite the bank balance standing in that marsh for sure....neat that you own them and that you're willing to put them in the marsh if only for a quick photo.....

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in fact i sold that pair of birds to a dealer/friend of mine in boston- and thats almost word for word in is catalog- so i see you get Steve O'briens catalog-

Donald- I bought the pair from Joe French in FLA.
personal as is yours....and while I've held a Crwoell shorebird on ocassion I've never had the funds available to afford the equivelant of a small second home so they've always gone homw with someone else. The O'Brien catalog that that description came from was the 2002 issue....so you must have owned that small house, I mean decoy, prior to that uless its also been in a later catalog that I don't have.

I saw, and handled, birds by George Boyd at Ogunquitt he three years that Debby and I went there.
