Picture time - post some up

Dave- I carved that for Kevin Layne's rig. Someone else here had carved something similar (and better) for one of the shows. It is hands down the most fun I have ever had making a decoy, and really hard to part with.
I am working on a mallard version right now for my rig. It will include a cigarette in his mouth, beer can band on his leg and I might even find a use for part of a wonder bread bag. It's going to be the quintessential park duck..
That is Sutton's rig up on the Sound a couple of years ago...

I will post up more pics of Steve's scoter rig over the weekend.


Ah, from the Home of Misfit Decoys...

Speaking of Scoters...my first try, still working on painting the shnaz (body base coat is still wet in this pic):


Back end before paint:


Next on the menu, Cacklers:




Carl, most of us put ON the "fatherly build", not take it off...good job!

Derek, make sure you clean out all those bread crumbs from the bag.

Yes the infamous hat.
I flat wore that hat out!! Top of it simply fell apart.
It is long gone!

Most of the time now I wear my DHBP hat, if its cold, I put a brown Carhartt watch cap over it.