Pictures of Boat Project

Paul Strombeck

Active member
This is my first attempt at a sneak box and like any first time project there are a number of items I would do different the next time. I anticipate starting a second boat shortly and will glass this one once it warms up.

Boat with hand sewn spray shield - fastened to hard wood drawer pulls
View attachment Boatwrshield.jpg

Cockpit with Back Rest
View attachment Cockpitbackrest.jpg

I was really intrigues by the folding oarloack and after studying the archive here came up with this
View attachment Oarlock.jpg

I still have round all the edges - install the West Glass system and install the oarlocks, light block, grass rails etc.
Do you think it will float??
Looks awesome! Is it your own design? How about some more info on it. What kind of wood did you use? It almost looks like lauan. Is it a planing hull?

Great boat! There's nothing quite like building your own. I like the drawer pull idea - no moving parts, nothing to corrode, nothing to rip waders, etc.

Many happy hunts with it!

That looks great! Man. it's official boat building season. I always get obsessed with boats right about this time every year. I see I'm not the only one.
Just a word of caution on the dodger. What you have is fine for keeping the rain off and for camo, but it is not a spray dodger in the traditional, safety sense. You have a wave roll over the deck, and that dodger will either fail or leak alot, and water will roll into the cockpit. Not being critical of your set up, just want you to be safe....
I realize the boats has quite a few 'warts' and no offense is taken - feel free to comment. I decided I did not want to do any lofting so I took some simple flat bottom frame patterns that had a rounded chine and cut them at 10 degrees to form the sides. Once framed up I took clear doug fir and cut my deck framing by taking a basic batten to mark my curves. Once done it was decked in 1/4 luan. Besides skimping on the plywood I also used galv fasteners opposed to bronze.
The flat bottom sacrifices the sea worthiness of the displacement hulls but should not be a major issue in our sheltered waters.
I will need to remove the spray shield to reach the 3 gallon gas tank that sits in a small frame I mounted under the front deck. There are small oak oar brackets on each side of the cockpit and small shelf to be mounted on right.
Boat before deck
View attachment boatframe.jpg

Based on experience to date I would probably build;
a wider hull about 4' 6"
a shorter lenght 11' 6 would be about right
Less arc on deck - decoys don't sit well
use more oak and marine vs. exterior grade plywood
spend the extra for the bronze fasteners
I think it's a great little rig!

I do agree with Dave's comment about the dodger. Even a heavy wind may cause a problem for ya. But it's up to you.

Now is where you'll want to spend a little extra time though. The finish. Take your time.

Thanks for posting these pics. We ALL like to see pics!

Good luck as you finish her up and don't forget to take more and post them up too!


Are you planning on countersinking the bolts you used on the oar locks? Seems like a great way to tear waders apart.

Still a great build!!!
