I heard they have similar events up near Winnipeg for Canada geese. Rules are something like allowed 3 hunters, 5 shells per hunter, 5 goose limit per hunter. Winner is strictly based on weight from what I am told. I was told the prevailing strategy is to land the geese so that you can pick out the largest geese.
I agree it's not a good thing but it probably won't catch on. There have been attempts to start competitions/leagues before, I remember one at least ten years ago in MN or WI. It generated a lot of negative commentary, but it seemed to flame out on it's own.
What a great idea. i would be a sure winner just bring a few lead fishing weights and a can of expanding foam,bound to win fattest and heaviest drake.[]
We have a similar annual hunt for snowshoe hares here in Maine. It's statewide, one central weigh-in location with dinner afterwards. All proceeds go to support youth hunting. It's a great time and well intended.
I've seen one box pheasant competitions and things like Troy talked about but they have been fun charity type events.
There are many coyote competitions but those are usually hosted in areas where landowners want to encourage a massive coyote die off.
I notice that they have no sponsors. I think that is telling.