Poison Ivy anyone?

You guy just got me in trouble. . . . I was reading all these posts about posion ivy and forgot about the garlic bread in the oven. Now the girl friend is gonna beat me. Hahaha.
ZANFEL the stuff is AMAZING!

But for as bad as you say you've got it....Head to the Docs!
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Salt water in tub but especially in the Ocean. I had that miserable crap all over my face and behind my knees. Swimming in the ocean was like a miracle. Salt bath is almost as good.
Tell her that your cooking is why she will end up being your wife. That ought to stop the blows. No need to thank me for such fine advice there Chris! Trip.
Tell her that your cooking is why she will end up being your wife. That ought to stop the blows. No need to thank me for such fine advice there Chris! Trip.

Thanks buddy
Poison Ivy FYI:
1. Poison Ivy does not cause an allergic reaction.
2. Poison Ivy NEVER "spreads."

Poison Ivy reactions are a chemical burn, not an allergy per se. You see the little blisters on your skin and they are chemical burns. The chemical is not under the skin to magically be released when you scratch or pop the blister. So called, spreading, can be caused by insufficiently cleaning the exposed area or by having the chemical under your nails, or clothing, etc.
Some people will swear that they had one exposure and that there was some early blistering and then some later blistering therefore, it spread. No, it didn't unless you didn't wash. Sometimes some areas of skin are more reactive to the burn. Its the same as a physical burn. The bottoms of your feet won't burn from a brief encounter with an ember for instance as opposed to your belly or your forearm.

I hate Poison Ivy and react to it every summer. Peed one time without knowing it was on my hands. Pretty impressive but not functionally useful.

Exactly Tom! Just as some folks do with cats or bee stings,
that more closely follows an allergic reaction.

I absolutely hate the stuff. Got it growing in a couple places on my property. Even if I kill the above ground part, I have to wear gloves to dig around in the dirt in that area.

Quick funny story...
was running a chain saw at my parents place a few years ago and noticed a furry vine growing up the side of a small tree. being sure that it was the dreaded P.I., I carefully lifted my shirt tail and pulled the vine far clear using my shirt tail as a glove. Easy peasy, worked great. cut up the tree and since it was really hot, about an hour later, lifted my shirt tail and gave my whole face a good wipe down to clear the sweat.
The next morning, I looked like I had leprosy.
I'm going to triple the recommendation for TecNu. It works well - but only at exposure time.

Once Poison Ivy is bound to your skin... steroids is really the only thing. I had a shot once when my eyes were swelling shut. Usually a cream will get the job done though.
Dont waste time, get to the doc.
Wash the clothes, sheets and anything else you came in contact with.
I will agree with " get to the doctor as soon as you can". Take as much cortizone as they will inject, and have them give you a prescription to take home. Worst case senerio I have scrubed with clorox out of the bottle or you can use clorox cut with water about 60/40. Don't just wipe the clorox on, you need to actually scrub. I will guarantee the areas that you scrub will be dry in 12 to 24 hrs. Now please understand your first choice should be to see a doctor immediately but in the event you are away from a doctor and happen to have clorox around, scrubing with clorox WILL work. Not sure what the long term effects will be but it will dry up poison ivy.