Pole Barn Construction

Eric Patterson

Staff member
The lack of space in my current shop (2 car garage), loss of parking, build-up of boats, trailers, and tractor with implements, among other things in our backyard, has brought Michelle to the same conclusion that I've had for years, we need a large workshop and storage area. She is fully onboard with building a large shop, most likey a pole barn. We are looking at an empty lot in the county near our house (2 minute drive) where the new shop will go so as not to have to deal with covenant restrictions.

So with all that being said I'd love to hear thoughts from anyone who's built a pole barn or dedicated shop and any suggestions you might have. Right now I'm toying with a 60' x 40' pole barn with a partition giving me a 24x40 dedicated shop and 36x40 parking area for boats, tractors, etc..

Anyone have any lessons learned from a similar build or suggestions what to or not to do? I know it's a really wide open question but I'm interested in any dialog. More detailed questions will certainly come in the following months. This process is just getting started.
Stretch it out another 10' each way. Depending on size of everything you are putting in the parking area I would consider switching it around and making the shop 36x40.
70x50 is probably out of my budget. I think the parking/storage area needs to be bigger than the woodshop. Wood storage and some other items won't reside in the woodshop, they will be in the garage area so that reduces the needed shop size a bit.
Not possible to build something on your current lot? Being steps away would be my choice, instead of a mile away even if it was smaller. A whole lot easier to work for 5 minutes if you have time before supper.
Andy, not happening. Need space now. We intend to move from our current house before the kids are grown and will likely be in a covenant neighborhood. I'm not waiting for that day only to be told I can't put the shop I want up. Michelle knows that if I did build the shop at our current location I'd never want to move and she does. I'm fine with a few minute drive, especially given the room I'll have.

You might want to check your local zoning requirements before you buy the lot. In our county we can not build a non house structure on a vacant lot unless your property adjoins the land. However, variances are sometimes granted. Good luck.

consider some additional framing in your structure for future add ons...
I would position the building so that a "lean-to" shed could be added later. Along with that thought, I would install a run of heavier wood along the designated "shed" wall to be used as a header, as well as framing out now for a future door opening.
It all can be sided over at this time.... but, when (not if...) the day comes that you need more room, you will have the basic framing that you need without tearing into the existing building.

Very good point. I will call the county engineer tomorrow but I don't believe there are any such zoning restrictions. I spoke to a real estate appraiser and he said I could use the lot for a shop and I asked my neighbor who manages the city GIS department and he thought no such restrictions existed. In fact he doesn't even think I have to get a building permit for a pole barn. I'll look into all that to be sure.

Tod, sounds like you speak from first hand experience.

I like my stuff under cover - all my stuff, since it is my stuff and nice :). We went with 30x50 - (shop is in the house) and we are OK, but have to shuffle stuff more than I would like to. Go big or go home.
Eric, I am building a 36x48 with 14 foot walls and a 9/12 pitch as we speak. It will have 3 bays for vehicles with one drive-through bay and a bay for stuff. There is also going to be a loft over 2 bays. My first house was smaller. They say your should always build a shop bigger than you think you need but this thing is huge.




Love the looks of the steep roof and the higher walls. Will some of the truss braces be removed in the loft area? Or are you going to add flooring from below, i.e. the bottoms of the trusses?

I had one built last year. 28 x 36. I wish I went bigger and had a 12 ft door. . We put upstairs in.. Man cave, all dry wall finished. carpeted. has bathroom.. insulated.. if you want it finished off, get the metal panels on the inside.. very little increase in price and makes it look great.. cleaning is easy. I would say try to find contractor that handles all of it.. I paid one person and they made it all happen. @ 50k for everything but again.. even got heat and ac.. All to put my banks boat in! ..
I built a 32' x 48' thinking it was total overkill. That was 20 years ago and now (actually 18 years ago) I wish I had gone 48 x 72...with higher ceilings
the plan is for 10 foot doors, floors at 12 feet. The 14 foot walls will give a knee wall of 2 feet and the 9/12 pitch will make a 12x32 usable space upstairs. I am planning on building a step over the truss horizontal members. I went with the prebuilt trusses instead of the big $$ for handcut rafters. Less than optimal but sufficient for my plans.
Eric I'm the owner of a 30X48 building with a 12 foot tall X 16 wide door. Now I need a 14 foot door...can't happen! Times and needs change and most often the building can't so.....think long and hard on anything you might ever want to do and then if you can swing it $$ wise do it now. You will never regret a building that is to big now but you will regret to small a building in the future...for sure.

Brad B...does that mean I'll be able to park inside in Novemeber? :)

Fred S how big is that structure in your yard? I'm sure getting tired of you sending all YOUR smoke over here. Time fo some rain and wind for sure.
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Eric, Consider being able to add a loft or upstairs as Pete put it. This will maxamize your space for storage of lumber and less used items.
I've been kicking the idea for a while I would like to build a 40x100 but from structural steel and have an overhead crane system