Poleboat construction pics

Pete McMiller

Well-known member
This is a continuation of the original post http://duckboats.net.nmsrv.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=123041;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_expanded . I didn't want to bring that big post to the front of the page so you can click on the hot link to get back to it..

Anyway, here are a couple pics from last week.



Here she is on the trailer. All I need to do yet is get a removeable floor cut, figure out what I might want for cleats or anchor systems and paint it.





If you recall, my goal on this boat was to reduce the stated plan weight from 95 lbs to around 70 lbs. I am very pleased to report that as she sits today, with all the hardware, hatches, etc. installed the weight is 70.6 lbs!!!!! Weighed twice on my back on the bathroom scale.

Off to Mike Trudel's house this afternoon to test it out.
Looks great Pete. You ought to have fun in that. You taking Otto with you to see how it's balanced with his big keester moving around?

What are you thinking as far as paint color goes? And do you plan to just use this just for transportation or are you thinking of kicking back in the invisalounge and using in a layout style?

I still think it would make a dandy door prize. hehe ;>) ;>)

I'll bet you will be real pleased every time you take her out. A set of oars should scoot that thing right along.
Great job Pete, where did you get the plans for it? How much was the materials and how long did you put into it. I am wnating to start a boat project SOOOO bad but my wife has me building book shelves, picnic tables and everything inbetween. If the decoy orders would slow down I could get started on the boat but I need somehwere to start. Any help would be great. Thanks dc
Pete, Wonderful job!! I see you did go with a hatch cover on the bulkhead, good idea. Kinda a shame to paint but you are going to like this one. Good job on the diet also. I can't wait to heft it and compare. Like I have told you before mine has become one of my favorites. I probably won't bring mine to LaCrosse this year, just the newly remodled Broadbill. ie= painted hahahah. I am also really curious to see it under oars, I never really tried to row mine. Just pole, kayak paddle and 4 hp.

Looks great. Are you charging admission or giving free test rides in LaCrosse? This looks like a great project for my next last boat...but I guess I better finish the BB3 first.

I'd love to know how this compares to your Kara...I have one but it's HEAVY. I've cursed that boat many a time while dragging it over a levy.


Not only should it be a door prize.....I think you should just ship it to my business address and you can write it off as a business expense plus I can test it out..then I ship it back....we both win....

Nice looking boat

Way to go Pete! You weighed it on a bathroom scale? That had to be a Kodak moment. Seriously, what length oars will be needed?
wis boz
Great looking boat Pete. Top notch! Can't wait to see the water pictures and then the bloody deck pictures.

Ed L.
Nice work Pete , is this boat replacing the kara or just adding to the fleet ? What are the plans for draining water ? No plug i asume ?

Dave M