prayers for boy scouts please

Please pray for the boy scouts that were hurt in an accident here in South Carolina on Friday night their van ran off the road about 1/2 mile from camp. My parents next door neighbors son was ejected from the van and has over 200 stiches in his head, a tear in his liver, possible ligament and tendon damage to his left leg. and road rash all over his body but by the grace of God one of the other scouts managed to find him in the creek as his head was under water and held him up until help arrived. Another scout has gasoline burns over 50% of his body as well as had to have a leg amputated. Two other scout are also still in the hospital. The scout that was driving was 19 and physically is ok but mentally and emotionally is really struggling,he just seemed to over compensate on a curvey mountain road and the 18 passenger van flipped. They range in age from 15 to 18 years old. Please remember them all in prayer.
Count on a bunch of prayers.
I've been hauled all over the place to summer camps/etc by many a Boy Scout Leader as well as hauled lots of Boy Scouts to camps and campouts myself. I can't imagine the pain the driver is struggling heart goes out to him and all those involved, including the parents.
We are all in the hands of the Lord.
It has been said already but bears repeating;
Count on a bunch of prayers.
We are all in the hands of the Lord.