Preseason preperation

Don Shearer

Active member

Aspen and I are getting through our preseason workouts.

[inline aspenpreseasonprep.jpg]

A few of you have asked about the pup we are fostering for a soldier while he is deployed to Iraq. We had Lucy for three weeks in July while he was in predeployment training and now have her back until September 2011. She is a very high energy sweet heart. We are enjoying having her but she sure opened my eyes to the fact that Aspen is no longer a young dog. She is not an old dog but you can see age beggining to creep around the corner.

Lucy and Aspen on the coast.

View attachment lucyandthepain.jpg

I hope everyone enjoys the remainder of the summer. We are 13 days away from grouse and doves.

My best,


View attachment Aspenpreseasonprep.jpg
I really like your "laid back" approach to duck season, Don. Aspen looks as if she has done that before and more than once. I had to chuckle when seeing her sit there with the chocolate. She looks just like Chili----not wanting to have to sit there #1 and secondly not liking to have her picture taken. Good luck this fall. Make sure to post pics of your hunts.
Don looks like ya got your----stuff-- togather for the upcoming seasons, best of luck to you. Bless you for supporting out troops by fostering ones dog while he's deployed. I know if I did that it would break my heart to give Lucy back when he came back home.
Don, God Bless you for taking in Lucy. Her dad can worry about one less thing now until he gets home. Of course you are getting a little something out of it too??

You guys are right we are getting a lot out of having Lucy in our lives. She is not on the hammock with us because she is not capable for sitting still for more than 2 seconds unless she has ran for 10 miles earlier that day. She is usually out in the field hunting mice.

For her owner's day job he is a biologist for the state game department. We didn't know him prior to taking Lucy in. We found an ad asking for help and preferably someone who hunts. It ends up that we hunt many of the same areas. I may have found another hunting partner which will be nice for when we have to give her back that way I can see her reguraly.

I am excited to hunt her this year. She has never hunted waterfowl but I can tell she is going to be an upland machine. I am looking forward to see how Lucy and Aspen work together.

My best,
