Labrador retriever puppies for sale. The litter was born April 21, 2013 and is made up of three yellow and three black pups. The dam and sire are excellent gun dogs and wonderful pets with excellent bloodlines. The dam is from the lineage of Huntfield British Labs on one side, whereas the sire came from one of Chris Akin’s kennels. The dam was doing double water retrieves through decoys at 12 weeks of age. She began her first hunting season at 4 months, in which she picked up 60 ducks and geese. The dam of this litter is approximately 55 lbs, whereas the sire averages 75 – 80 lbs. The dam and sire of this litter are gentle dogs and well socialized. The puppies of this litter should follow suit, as we are making every effort to help with this process. Puppies have had their dew claws removed and will have all shots and dewormings. This litter will be registered through AKC. Asking price is $500.
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