Quack Decoys

I have some of their GEs. They look nice enough but I have had to send them back for repainting because the paint peels off. Nice guy who owns the business, however.
If you are putting stool in a bag, thats why they are peeling, I learned it the hard way too.Now I use bags with individual sleeves for each decoy,it prevents them from rubbing up against each other and ruining them
Quack Decoys are probably the most durable decoy on the market. I have some GW Teal from Quack that are about 25 years old and all they have needed was some minimal touch-up. I had Ken re-paint some Quacks for me 3 years ago and the paint was flaking and I called Ken and he recommended a Krylon sealer and it solved the problem. Give Ken a call and he'll steer you in the right direction.
I have about 150 Quack Decoys that I hunt over from time-to-time; most of them are Goose Floaters.

We use them strictley for Sea Ducking and they get beat up constantly being draged in and out of the boat on long lines. Pait jobs arent my main consideration. They take the abuse.. We also use carrylite scoters and eiders too they work but they dont take shot very well but they are considerably less in cost. Im sure you'll be very pleased with the Quacks
Does anyone know where and what kind of bags to get to keep them separated. What did they charge you to repaint them?
They are a little pricey but right now there is a a deal. 20% off and free shipping. I ordered 2 dozen and had them in 3 days.
I bought a dozen black duck decoys over 10 years ago and they are extrememly durable. The only problem I have, and its minor, is that the rivets that hold the keel weight onto the decoy are rusting ...... Excellent decoy though!!
Just tell him the size of your decoys, he makes them in different sizes and they are very well made.
I went to grade school and high school with a guy named Charles Biddle in northeastern NC back in the 50's and 60's.

I know a number of people who think that Quacks are the best decoys you can use for everyday rough and tumble duck hunting. Opinions are like noses almost evryone has one.

I like almost every brand of dekes I've ever used except flambeau.

Most of the guys on this page believe in making their own and most of them do a beautiful job. Some of them are so pretty that I wouldn't dare subject them to the way I treat decoys.