Quail hunt update


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Well y'all,

Keep your fingers crossed for me. I made my leave pitch to the bosses and didn't get the 8 weeks I asked for but was granted 5 weeks off. I would have been shocked on getting the 8 weeks but was quite pleased for 5 weeks. However, my Gramma texted me one morning while I was awaiting their answer and asked me "do you think you could get March 1-18 off? I want to take you to Africa."

I KNEW that it wouldn't be possible for me to do the trip with Gramma and my fall quail adventure. I talked with Roy (who was planning on taking the quail hunt with me) and he was like GO!!!! The quail will be here next year! Plus, Gramma will be 87 years old this year so my trips with her are limited.

I talked with the bosses about this new option and eventually they came back and told me 5 weeks is what I could have off and if I choose to do Africa, we have to plan that there MIGHT be a two week quarantine period after I get back so if I choose Africa, I have to plan (at least right now) for a two week quarantine and that is part of my time off. I thought about it and I knew that I would always feel bad about not planning on going with Gramma, even if the trip gets cancelled because of Covid. I talked with the trip company she has us set up with so that I could get the answers that my bosses needed and I made my decision...

in March, assuming Covid doesn't screw everything up so many crossed fingers are needed, Gramma and I are heading to Africa. We will get to see Victoria Falls (something that is actually on my bucket list) and we will also be visiting the Okavango Delta, Kafue National Park (why we are going on the trip because that's on Grammas bucket list), Hwange National Park, and Chobe National Park. The quail trip will have to be put on hold.

Which is possibly just as well because Belle is at the orthopedic dr this morning to have a periodic gimpy back leg checked out. I am hoping this isn't the case but this could possibly be a partial CCL (aka ACL in people) tear and if that's the case, surgery is pretty much the only remedy.

So keep y'alls fingers crossed that overseas travel becomes a possibility again in the next seven months!

Geez, I'm still recovering from envy over Tod Osier's family trip. I may be down for the count now. [smile]
Totally the right decision to go with Granny, have a great time and let work sort itself out. With a little luck, vaccines will be available by then and you won't be subject to quarantine.Then get those quail next year. Hope your dog is ok, perhaps if she needs surgery the switch to Africa this year will be better for her in the sense she'll have a year to rehab.

Where in Africa? My college roommate was from South Africa and the hunting and fishing there is incredible, not to mention the beauty of its geography. Benny was quite an interesting fellow. He was from an incredibly wealthy family but you would never know it. Drove an old Pontiac and wore clothes like the rest of us broke students. True story, he kept a sock stuffed full of gold Krugerrand in his top drawer. I hate to even guess the value, then or now.

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Thanks Stuart! Hope to hear from the vet soon.

Eric, we will be going to Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana. My sister in law is from South Africa, though she's not interested in hunting. She comes from a fairly well off family from all appearances. I've never met her parents.
Wow, what a memorable trip you will have. My Grandparents have been gone for several years. I never got to go on such an exotic trip with them but treasure the memories of fishing in Canada with both my Grandfathers. Best of luck with work (and COVID). Will look forward to hearing about the trip!!