question for nj guys

Chris S.

Well-known member
A old hunting friend of mine told me the other day I need to carry a FFL while hunting in case I get checked by the state/feds is this true I searched the laws online and didn't find this anywhere I have been checked by the game warden 2 years ago and this never came up just the basics plug in gun,magnet check on shells and so on nothing about a FFL I don't have my FFL. I got my guns from my father when he passed away everything I read about the FFL has to do with buying guns not hunting and having one in my house I will apply for one but just want to know the laws
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I am in NY and never heard of such a law. A FFL is a license to sell guns retail or wholesale across state borders. I think your friend was thinking of some thing else.

I know in nj you need a firearms id card to buy any guns and to buy any ammo except shotgun shells that the card I am talking about
I am in NY and never heard of such a law. A FFL is a license to sell guns retail or wholesale across state borders. I think your friend was thinking of some thing else.


Grew up in Illinois, and there you needed a state issued FOIC (Firearm owner Identification Card)...don't know if New Jersey has anything similarly tyrannous.
In Mass (which I thankfully AM NOT a resident of), you need an FID card to purchase guns and ammo. I had one since I used to shoot throughout the state. It is my understanding that if I hold a valid hunting license and my guns are properly cased while in transit, there is not an issue with long guns.
yes i think i worded it wrong it is the fid that is what i am not sure if i need to carry when hunting and driving with the gun in the car to the ramp or to the hunting spot. We got stoped last season by the state troopers cuz we had a kayak in the back of the truck bright green at the time we used it to set decoys in the ponds and covered it while hunting the state trooper pulled us over cuz there were thefts and homes were being broke into all up and down the south jersey coast from atlantic city to cape may and a bright green kayak in a truck in december looks odd but as soon as he came to the truck window and saw us in camo he laughed and said have a good hunt didn't ask about guns or anything and never had a game warden ask either but want to make sure i am 100% good this year and all paper work is in order thanks for the help
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Jim is right a game warden won't bother you about not having your FID card unless you seriously do something wrong. But your question was for if a law enforcement stops you, in that case as the law is quoted on your FID card. You are still going to need the card to and from your hunting spot keeping in your car while hunting to keep the card safe is the smart thing to do. If you get stopped at least who ever it is you can still prove you are a legal gun owner.
I don't think you need that, I have lived here and hunted for over 30 years and have never been asked for it by anyone( I have been pulled over when on my way to go hunting a few times). While you need it to buy a firearm you won't have any trouble. But here's a list of things you do need:

hunting license
state stamp
federal stamp
drivers license
insurance card
registration for your vehicle
registration for your boat
registration for your trailer
HIP # with your hunting license
boaters license

OK, I am being a little bit of a wise ass. But I am pretty much on strike for carrying anything else to go duck hunting for the day.
boaters license
You know, I was surprised that very few Jersey hunters that I've asked have done the course and have their card! They put the fear of God into me when I did my course a year and a half ago... Anthony
I just took my boaters class this past sat. They do tell you and show you some really scary things. They did a bit on how bow riding is illegal and they showed us a pic of a guy that got run over by a boat the he was bow riding on and the only thing holding his body together was his wet suit. It was pretty crazy stuff
I got my boater's license when I was 10 years old and I still have never had to show it to anyone...
New Hampshire just instituted it a year ago. I swear even the gas jockey at the marina wants to see the thing. They do an on-line course and a sit down exam, basic common sense, but still plenty of accidents
Craig, you better double check that license. Unless you are now 14 that might not be valid.
The state totally changed the license four years ago. Now a required class and test.
Yes craig I was thinking the same thing that's why I had to take it again I took it when I was 15 through the coast gaurd aux. And the test I took did not have the 10 nj state mandated questions. If the test you took was more then 4 years chances are good that those 10 nj state mandated questions were not on your test either. Also the endorsement on the nj drivers license is not good anymore either you need the actual boaters saftey card with you while boating. All the boating saftey laws have changed over the few years
All you need is your hunting license, to, from, and during hunting. The license shows you are permitted to carry a firearm while hunting. A firearm ID card is to PURCHASE a firearm.
You can transport the firearm without any license or id card
I thought that the state website said that an FPIC was required to be with you anytime that you have a firearm outside of your home. However, I don't have one because I bought my firearms in Pennsylvania.
Jake is my gunning buddy and we are trying to get to the bottom of this one seems like most people have said no that's it is for buying only
Charlie read your FID card, it states "This is to certify that John Doe residing at this address is hereby granted to purchase and carry rifles and shotguns pursuant to provisions of N.J.S 2C:58-3 and 2C:39-5 with amendments and supplements." Your hunting license is NOT proof you are a legal to own, buy or transport a firearm. The pennsylvania residents moving into NEW JERSEY or just hunting here there is a different protocol for law enforcement to check your eligibility.