question on selling my Scaup

Andrew Holley

Well-known member
As some of you know, I am trying to sell my Scaup/scull boat setup. I listed it out on ebay, bidding only got to $1,250 or so. I have alot more tied up into it than that.

Is the scull on top turning people off? If I cut the supports off and just sold the Scaup do you think I would do better?

If you don't remember, here is a pic of the setup (motor is not included):


Probably pics of the boat alone would confuse the general public less. I'm not sure ebay is the best avenue for your boat either.I would list it on hunting related sites so people that appreciate what it is can see it.
Let me also add a hott blonde with big hooters in a bikini next to eh boat in all the pics would also help... serriously

I love the ebay sellers who do that, MAKES YA LOOk and gets some good bids.
You might try a fresh coat of paint on the trailer. I know the color wasn't exactly what you wanted anyway. Potential buyers may not like it either. The camo on the boats could be changed to a more neutral color scheme. We don't have much green's around here when hunting. I think green can be pretty area specific.

New paint may or may not help. Splitting the two may help. Since one buyer may not be able to afford or have the perceived need for both boats.

Other than that you just need to get the ad in front of the right person. Good luck!
DANG!!! My eyes are bleeding!

Yes, I was shocked, scared and disgusted by that avatar too. It seems Rosie O. has put her make up on in a while. It is like a train wreck you don't want to look, but can't help yourself.
Not meaning to hijack Andrew Holley's post, but I gotta comment on MSmall's quote Colonel Kurtz..."the horror, the horror."
if someone were to post a picture of Cameron Diaz with an "exposed bosom" we'd have to delete that so that some "BOSS" somewhere wouldn't spot it on some work computer that someone was using to look at the site resulting in that person being fired for "sexual harrassment"........But a picture of Rosam Hu'Donnel gets to stay up even when it makes you gag just to look at it.....

Or put more simply.....DAMN thats an ugly avatar.....

Seeing how I started this thread, can I make the rule that if your avator is that ugly, you cann't post on my thread?

Please, please for the general population change your avator.

Sorry did mean to offend anyone... but every time I look at that picture it makes me laugh. So as to not frighten anyone else away I will leave it blank.
dang, I missed it, come on everyone, suck it up for another week so we can all be disgusted together!!!

splitting them apart may help. I would try Harker's idea first, hit all the duck hunter pages first, then split as a last resort.
MSmall..go back to your profile....put your name and email on it and you can use your avatar....we're just busting on that pic but we like to know our new friends.
Seeing how I started this thread, can I make the rule that if your avator is that ugly, you cann't post on my thread?

Please, please for the general population change your avator.


Amen to that!

I would definitely list them separately.
More photos, both clear shots of boats interior and staged shots of them in hunting situations will help. People like pictures.

In the listing for the scull boat you might consider either a link to the old sculling website with some basic info or copy and paste the info in to your ad (if Steve is ok with it). Tell a story of a successful scull on ducks when nobody could get them to decoy.
This may get somebody who doesn’t know much about scull hunting pumped up and want to try it. You will likely get more for the scull separately if you can sell it with its own trailer as well, as it is too big of a boat to car top or fit in a pickup bed.
Open water gray type paint jobs are more traditional for scull boats but you probably wouldn’t be able to recover the cost of a repaint when selling.

For the scaup listing more photos, talk up how well the boat hides, how well it handles in snotty weather, how much better than the average john boat it is. Again get somebody excited and wanting to upgrade.

Keep relisting through September, all you need is one guy who gets frustrated with his current boat to want to make the upgrade. Once you get past mid October people are probably going to be locked in their current boats and will have already made their major hunting purchases for the year. After that you will get guys who are looking for a deal and will have a hard time getting what you want.

As someone else mentioned above advertise as much as you can. Put flyers on the bulletin boards at sporting goods stores, boat launches, anywhere a duck hunter may be found and post on the web as well.; hunting sites, etc.

Good Luck!