I run a 5.5hp Honda/ Mudbuddy on one of my Karas. If I remember right the motor weighs 56 pounds. I see new Mudbuddys 6 hp are 74 lbs. If you want to cross mudflats 2 hp is not enough. I have a friend who runs a 3 hp mudmotor on his Fatboy DP and says 3 hp won't get him over mudflats. The 5.5 hp Honda will get me over mudflats. I would find the lightest possible motor if it were me. Weight is everything in a small boat, esp. for something hanging off the back. If I didn't need to cross mudflats or get through thick aquatic vegetation, I would use a 30 lb thrust trolling motor. There's not a significant difference in speed between the mudmotor and trolling motor. No more than 2 mph. If I needed to go less than a half mile I wouldn't fool with a motor at all, esp. not a big heavy gas powered motor. Once you've got the hang of poling and paddling those little boats you can really move out, and since they're so low profile wind doesn't effect them that much. It's really a pain in the butt to deal with a mudmotor in a small boat and I prefer not to have one on board unless I really really need it, usually to go a long way through water hyacinths and across sub inch deep water and mud. This year hunting rice fields in Arkansas I wouldn't even have considered using a mudmotor.