Re: Hard Hitting Duck Guns

Hi Derek,

I think that's the whole idea with Worth's offerings. You can buy synthetic auto's anywhere. It's the English and European doubles that are getting hard to come by and I'm pleased to see that Worth has made the effort to pick up a few that he can offer at resonable prices.

I find that I get more fun out of shooting my old doubles than any of my shotguns. It's been so long since good fitting doubles were made here Stateside that few people under 50 realize just how well they can shoot with a good fitting SxS.

With all that can be done with older doubles now, it makes sense to have one either bored out to modified or even re-lined for duck hunting using steel shot. I/C and Modified for all around duck hunting and Modified & Modified would be fine for the goose pit or layout blind.

I enjoyed a fun Starling shoot yesterday afternoon using a 20 ga. O/U Red Label. I took 13 Starlings out of 15 shoots. Best was when I dropped a Starling in the big pond. It flopped twice and a big bass gulped it down! Same thing happened last dove season when I dropped a dove in the pond........SWOOOSH, and it was gone!

You keep warm down there this summer!
