reloader, gopro, giant scoters (all sold pending payment)

Chris Finch

Well-known member
I have to much stuff taking up room and its going to be a pain to move (hopefully thousands of miles away from here)

an older MEC 650 and a brass resizer.


both work well also included:
3 charge bars, many bushings, 1.5# powder,200+ primers, manuals, wads, shot/powder tubes. pretty much everything you need except shot and a balance (i bummed one of a buddy who gave up on his 600jr)

also have a bunch of sts and AA hulls (both the new/old style)

Gopro Hero 2 !!!!! SOLD PENDING PAYMENT!!!!!

got it 2 years ago for Christmas, opened it and let my cousin use it once, he got one the next day. i have no use for it. has everything it came with


Giant Scoters (2'x1' from a pattern from one of my carving buddies)


4 punkin bills, 4 skunkheads (one surf is a little narrower to get another one out of the foam. burlapped foam painted in rustoleum and artist oils for the bills, trex deck for the keels. never hunted

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