Reminescing about Chili/Pepper

Al Hansen

Well-known member
I guess Chili was almost 3 1/2 years old when Bev and I bought Pepper. It was one day in March when I happened to be cruising through the classified ads and came across "Lab Pups for sale". Since the owners only lived 60 miles away we hopped in the truck and headed north.

We liked what we saw and put down a deposit to hold 1st pick female. When that time came we went back, Bev did her magic and picked her out, just like she did with Chili. I will not forget her because Pepper was on my lap all the way back home. After all it was a birthday wish that came true!

Chili, at first, had nothing to do with the little pesky one who at 7 weeks old was full of mischief. However the barriers soon began to crumble especially when we would go out by the pond in the morning and sip on coffee and watch our dogs.



I had been working with Pepper on her retrieving skills and things looked good enough to try her at the small lake that is just north of us. I wanted to see what Pepper would do in water and also how Chili would handle learning how to share.

At first it was just more curiosity than anything else as this picture will show you.


Then as I continued to toss the bumper Pepper became more aggressive.


From that point on I then tossed another bumper for Chili to retrieve that was way out in there. She got there first naturally but then did something so unnatural that it was almost hard to believe. She waited for Pepper to get there and let her take the bumper and then swam behind her the whole way back.


This worked so well that I decided to try Pepper on a solo toss and it worked like a charm. The Boss Lady sat there at the edge of the lake observing the whole thing.


Later on that summer during our monsoon season we got an unusual amount of rain and the teal pond filled up quickly. I took the two of them out there and tossed the bumpers some more. I let the instructor show Pepper how it was done first. Pepper had a leash on for this one because she did not have the restraint that Chili was blessed with at that age.


Then I let Pepper go on a solo retrieve. I still laugh when I see how enthusiastic she was and that never changed by the way for all her years of retrieving.



From that time on Chili taught Habi how to retrieve and especially how to sit in the blind and not move. Now I have Habi teaching Chip how to sit in the blind.

I was blessed to have Chili as my hunting partner for 11 duck seasons but much happier that she was such a good all around lab. In my mind nothing could be better.



Chili fell off my 4 wheeler just once when we were cruising along the Rio Grande. Thankfully she hit just sand and rolled with no injuries at all. From that time on for over 4,000 miles of riding on my rig, she never fell again.


The Land of Enchantment has a way of doing just that. Almost on a daily basis I see something that just flat out amazes me down here.
Life is Good and God is Good.


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Al, changing of the guard!! Love it. We have seen most of those looks and tricks. I have a movie of both my boys on opposite ends of a duck with no real damage to it. I kinda feel sorry for only pups. I don't pretend that my guys are as well trained as they should be but the saying goes "But they are MY idiots"
Al, thanks for posting this. I always enjoyed your Chili and Pepper stories. Now it is Habi and Chip. Great pictures that tell a great story.

BTW... I have already started setting up dates for Saskatchewan this fall. So far we have figured out which weeks we can't get together and have determined that we are hunting water. Last year it was fields so it is back to the area we hunted two years ago. Can't wait.

Although it is unlikely that Drake will make the SK trip I am looking forward to hunting him this fall. He has tons of drive even if it is a little misguided at times. LOL
Hey Tom. Good to hear from you and I am hopng you are doing well. Give Piper a scratch behind the ear. How is she doing on the learning curve?

Thanks for what you had to say.
Tom, this was about the same thing but held differently. It happens once in a while but I have no problem with it. In this instant it had been a long morning with no action and then this drake appeared out of no where!


Neither Habi nor Chip pulled to take advantage. I was just fine with it. After teaching so many years you do see things and not so different from this. After lots of retrieves, you begin to see things. Sounds repetitious doesn't it---
Paul, I'm glad you liked this one. I sure had lots of memories with those two. Back then I was hunting on the average of 80 days during duck season with my one season being 89 days. Thought I was in duck hunting heaven for a while.

You two will sure have fun in Saskatchewan. I still remember some of those pictures and stories from that area. I'll look forward to that, Paul.

It will be something to see Drake with some feathers in his mouth this upcoming season. I can hardly wait.
Thank you, John. When you think of it with tomorrow being half of June that is now in the past, that means for me that in just 3 short months early teal will be just days away. I can hardly wait.
About the only difference in this picture with that of the one of mine with the two girls by the pond is color and then of course you have lots of nice green grass and we only have pea rock!

Thanks for putting this shot in, Bob. I love seeing a gray muzzle on a black lab. Continue having fun with this great pair of labs.

nice seeing pictures of the old girls. though I really really really enjoyed the last two scenery pictures. Snow pictures on 100 degree days is mighty nice
Hi Dani,
That was my reason for using that picture especially as the last one. We are in a heat spell for some time to come I think. Today it got up to 101F with the humidity rate at a low, low 5%. That helped.

Here is our 10 day forecast:

101F,98F, 99F, 104F, 103F, 102F, 101F, 102F, 103F, and 103F



Hope these help, also.
Hi Dani,
Just wanted you to know that yesterday it got up to 104F. Not to be outdone, the humidity rate dropped to the lowest it has been this year. We had a 3% humidity rate. That is a perfect recipe for a forest fire. Unfortunately there are plenty of them burning right now throughout the southwest.

Today's temps are supposed to hit 103F.